or the good'ole days when any family outsider/rebel was just incarcerated at the asylum, fodder for the doktors to play with
>because the public views them as GOD!!!
indeed. know someone who worked at a reception clinic, and the way old people talk of doctors, it's scary.
Tribes and their famous Witch Doctors ain't got nothin on our modern fuckers
(also just about as many TV shows to glorify them as cops/spies)
there's room for that discussion, except it should be on its own thread, not in the general. Anons will never, never, never agree, so by itself, absent of a specific context/Q drop, it's just not useful, and slides everytime with dozens of comments and 2cents thrown in.
No problem to have that debate, it's necessary to eventually clear things up, but shouldn't disrupt more pressing matters.
About the cult, one of the most underrated Q quotes tells the most important nuance: THEY believe in it. It does not matter what (You) believe, it does not matter what God believes. THEY belive in their magic, that is enough to act upon their evil deeds:
>Does Satan exist?
<Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
<Who worships Satan?
>What is a cult?
>Epstein island.
>What is a temple?
>What occurs in a temple?
>Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
>How many levels might exist below?
>What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
>Why is this relevant?
>Who are the puppet masters?
>Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
>When? How often? Why?
also a big part of why they are so confident (they never thought…).
They know well how to use it, and bask in normie projection: people don't "think" evil, so it's incredibly hard to get them to even consider the possibility that some people do - and not any people, but those who have power, agency, and the tools to abuse it and protect themselves.
Add to that the fictionalization of serious matters (Hollywood/TV/etc), the spotlighting on ConspiracyTheory Stars/ControlledOp, learned obediency and general, systematic miseducation…
"Q opened the discussion" about a lot of things.
Problem is not about anons following his drops, but that - and this happens all the time - we see anons going off into debates/discussions only somewhat relevant, that can't possibly find any conclusion here, while some real, specific, concrete material in the drops gathers dust.
THAT can quickly get annoying.
Way easier to throw your 2cents in about BibleStudy/DaJoos/AlexJawns/whatev than, youknow, dig & research stuff.
>I wish I could contribute some way
re-read crumbs often, know them well.
Very simple, very easy, very instructive.
It's repeated often, by Q and anons alike, but doesn't look like a lot of anons do that simple, easy thing.
Though i do very often see anons drop in with new, interesting insights they got just from… re-reading crumbs.
Then you can be better prepared to redpill people off of here, and better prepared to deal with shills here, and to help noob anons who ask dumb questions/go off in dumb directions re Q drops/interpretations.