Entire Schumer family is, to use a technical term, fucked up.
Everybody get a good breakfast?
They divide. We unite.
United, we are strong.
United, we win.
>>3971906 Seriously, why do we have to pay for housing, food, etc., for this THING for the next 50 years? Maybe he will end it himself after he finds out that Bubba thinks he is VERY cute.
>>3971946 Bob Hope was a DS pimp for 50 years. The total opposite of his stage persona.
Q Research anons are all generation Q.
No other generational labels apply.
Artificial divisions by age, sex, race, nationality, etc. do not apply.
Q Research anons are united.
We do not accept the identity-politics of division.
Those here who attempt assert divisional concepts are shills, plain & simple.
Anons are united.
We are the Q Generation because we choose to be awake.
We choose to look for truth.
We choose to examine reality more closely.
We choose to consider even unpleasant possibilities.
We choose to defend our nation.
We choose unity over division.
We choose love over hate.