Jeff Cloud:
BIG BIG News!!! It’s over. The IRS, the DOJ, the federal judiciary are all eviscerated.
The president of the United States just did something else that NO other president has ever been able to accomplish in history to FREE the people of their slavery.
The new income tax law, H.R. 1, by completely removing the 16th Amendment as an arguable constitutional basis and legal foundation, or as the applicable constitutional authority that is allegeable as the constitutional authority for the imposition, withholding, collection, and enforcement of the personal income tax in the federal courts as a direct tax, – completely strips the IRS, the DOJ, and the federal judiciary of all of their lawful ability to legally enforce on American citizens after January 1st, 2018, the federal personal income tax in the federal courts as it has been practiced since 1945. It’s over. The IRS, the DOJ, the federal judiciary are all eviscerated.
The monstrous income tax FRAUD perpetrated by the federal courts on the American People is fully exposed now, naked to the world, and the behavior and opinions of the federal judiciary are exposed as nothing but the treasonous sedition they have always been. i.e.: communistic and not constitutional.
Repugnant, disgusting, corrupted, polluted, perverted, ultra vires judicial behavior and opinions, all committed for sixty years outside of the granted constitutional authority that exists for the court to lawfully act under, is all exposed. Naked to the world as the Emperor wears no clothes.