Wow the MSM is happy about the market having problems today. Also working overtime to push a wedge between farmers and Trump. Finding all the farmers who 'cant believe' farmers vote against their own self interest. The tariffs are putting all the farmers out of business, only the big farmers are getting help, farmers are paying more for their aluminum, if you don't know when other countries are going to fold and allow free trade across the board how can farmers risk their current financial interest… on and on and on. Public radio bias at its best.
>>3972129 And yet the accepted sauce around here is 80%+ MSM… alternative media has very little original reporting, just different perspectives on how to view what you are being fed. Anyone who says 'i saw ….' is immediately dismissed unless the narrative fits what is being pushed here. It's not this place, it is everywhere, a struggle to control the narrative. The attempt to provide a counterpoint to the MSM is appreciated, but truth is an elusive and poorly understood thing.