Twitter CEO Dorsey unleashes ‘hate speech’ storm with sign denouncing India’s caste system
Twitter CEO Dorsey unleashes ‘hate speech’ storm with sign denouncing India’s caste system
If you watch Stacy Abrams comments and reaction to losing the Georgia Governors election you will notice exactly why this country is in so much political difficulty. She claimed Saturday night that she recognized Kemp as the new Ga Governor, but that she would not concede etc… I am sure this was written for her with future political races in mind.
The response the next day was for Alyssa Milano and other Hollywood kooks to call for a boycott of the state of Georgia as a film making location. I recall that Georgia is one of the leading locations for film making. I believe some of this has to do with labor cost but that is for another post. Immediately, Miss Abrams made a statement to the effect that a Hollywood boycott was not the solution. I don’t think this position was with the State of Georgia’s economic prosperity in mind. I am sure she felt a Hollywood boycott would damage her political future
Then last night she went on CNBC with Chris “I emulate Rachel Maddow” Hayes and claimed her election was not legitimate. Of course, more rabble rousing is exactly what the country needs right now. Thanksgiving is all about political division and not the important things that we are grateful for!
Here is my point:
Just like Hillary blaming Wikileaks and the Russians and not assuming any responsibility for a loss, Miss Abrams cannot accept that anyone, and I do mean any person in the world, cannot understand and adopt her leftist position Everyone that voted for Kemp is wrong. Her extreme rationalization and expression of her beliefs for the last 2 years could only be done by convincing herself that her positions are correct to the exclusion of all others. And for her to come to grips with her loss, she is subconsciously blaming Kemp and the elections rather than doing the right thing and examining herself and trying to get better for future races. Again Hillary did the same thing by not accepting responsibility and adopting the position “Trump bad” and “Russian collusion”. What they both did not realize is their emotional and incorrect projections became self fulling realities. Half of America believes in Russian collusion and illegitimate Georgia/midterm elections. The outcome in HRC’s case is the Mueller investigation that has caused untold damage to this nation. We don’t know where Stacy Abrams’ misguided words will lead, but I suspect it will not be good.
Keep an eye on Abrams’ concocted narrative. History seems to be repeating itself in just 2 short years. The dems have forgotten what political compromise is. I think we are suffering the ill effects of “helicopter parents” and “Participation Awards”.