Anonymous ID: 07ea06 Nov. 20, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.3972352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2882

U.S. Busts APEC Summit With Tariff Demands - New York Times Blames China


A New York Times report about last weekend's summit in Asia demonstrates how U.S. media misinform their readers about international events.


The recent summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Papua New Guinea failed to come up with a joint statement. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill of Papua New Guinea, who hosted the summit, promised to issue a "chair's statement" instead. None can be found so far on the APEC website. This was the first time since 1989 that no joined 'Leaders' Declaration' was issued.


The reason was a spat between the U.S. and China about a clause the U.S. tried to insert into the joint declaration.


But as the Times tells the story, the failure of the summit was solely China's fault:


At a major international gathering in Papua New Guinea over the weekend, the United States wanted to end with a group statement emphasizing free trade. China objected.


But instead of working out the disagreement through dialogue, Chinese officials barged uninvited into the office of the host country’s foreign minister demanding changes in the official communiqué.

“China doesn’t care if it looks like a boor. If you are a tough guy, you don’t care what others think,” said Hugh White, a former military strategist for the Australian government and author of “The China Choice.”


Such behavior was only surprising because it had been more than 30 years since the world had witnessed such edginess, Mr. White said.


The Chinese deny that the APEC incident happened at all. Mr. White seems to have missed the 2009 Copenhagen climate talks during which the U.S. president and his secretary of state boorishly busted a meeting, held by China, Brazil, India and others, they were not invited to join:


Once they found the makeshift conference room where the meeting was being held, Obama, Clinton, and their aides approached a "commotion" as she describes it — foreign aides and security guards outside the door. According to Clinton, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs confronted a Chinese guard. "In the commotion the president slipped through the door and yelled, 'Mr Premier!' really loudly, which got everyone's attention. The Chinese guards put their arms up against the door again, but I ducked under and made it through," Clinton wrote.

Anonymous ID: 07ea06 Nov. 20, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3972361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3120

Maxine Waters Unfit to Chair House Financial Services Committee


Considering her record and documented history of poor ethical and moral fitness, it’s outrageous that Maxine Waters is up for chair of the ultra-powerful House Financial Services Committee, which has jurisdiction over the country’s banking system, economy, housing, and insurance. With Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives, come January the 14-term California congresswoman is expected to head the committee, which also has jurisdiction over monetary policy, international finance, and efforts to combat terrorist financing.


Throughout her storied political career, Waters has been embroiled in numerous controversies, including abusing her power to enrich family members, getting a communist dictator to harbor a cop-murdering Black Panther fugitive still wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and accusing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of selling crack cocaine in black neighborhoods. A few months ago, the 80-year-old Democrat from Los Angeles encouraged violence against Trump administration cabinet members. “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said at a summer rally in Los Angeles. Judicial Watch filed a House ethics complaint against Waters for encouraging violence against Trump Cabinet members.


Among her most corrupt acts as a federal legislator is steering millions of federal bailout dollars to her husband’s failing bank, OneUnited. Waters allocated $12 million to the Massachusetts bank in which she and her board member husband held shares. OneUnited subsequently got shut down by the government and American taxpayers got stiffed for the millions. Judicial Watch investigated the scandal and obtained documents from the U.S. Treasury related to the controversial bailout. The famously remiss House Ethics Committee, which is charged with investigating and punishing corrupt lawmakers like Waters, found that she committed no wrongdoing. The panel bought Waters’ absurd story that she allocated the money as part of her longtime work to promote opportunity for minority-owned businesses and lending in underserved communities even though her husband’s bank was located thousands of miles away from the south Los Angeles neighborhoods she represents in Congress.

Anonymous ID: 07ea06 Nov. 20, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.3972385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Registering Israel’s Useful Idiots


Depending on what criteria one uses, there are between 200 and 600 groups in the United States that wholly or in part are dedicated to furthering the interests of Israel. The organizations are both Jewish, like the Zionist Organization of America, and Christian Zionist to include John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel, but the funding of the Israel Lobby and both its political and media access comes overwhelmingly from Jewish supporters and advocates.


Many of the groups are registered with the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes as 501(c)3 “educational” or “charitable” foundations, which enables them to solicit tax exempt donations. One might dispute whether promoting Israeli interests in the United States is actually educational, but as of right now the Department of the Treasury believes it can be so construed, protected by the First Amendment.


But there is a more serious consideration in terms of the actual relationships that many of the groups enjoy with the Israeli government. To be sure, many of them boast on their promotional literature and websites about their relationships with the Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet, so the issue of dual loyalty or, worse, acting as actual Israeli government agents must be considered.


There is a legal remedy to hostile foreigners acting against American interests and that is the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA). Originally intended to identify and monitor agents of Nazi Germany propagandizing in the United States, it has since been applied to individuals and groups linked to other nations. Most recently, it was used against Russian news agencies RT America and Sputnik, which were forced to register. It is also being considered for Qatar based al-Jazeera.

Anonymous ID: 07ea06 Nov. 20, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.3972401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2414 >>2425 >>2957 >>3201

Jim Acosta Perjures Himself in Federal Court: Says He “Politely” Questioned the President and NEVER Placed Hands on Intern



CNN hack Jim Acosta submitted a sworn declaration to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia last week.


In his written declaration Acosta appears to have perjured himself.


Jim Acosta told the court he politely questioned President Trump. He also said video shows he NEVER placed his hands on the young female intern.


From the 15th paragraph:


“During the November 7 press conference, I had two questions I wanted to ask the President, about the migrant caravan and the Russia investigation. I raised my hand was called on by the President as had happened many times before. As the C-SPAN video of this press conference accurately reflects, the President repeatedly interrupted me, and I firmly but politely persisted in asking my two questions and trying to get responses. The President apparently did not like my questions, however, as he did not respond to them and ultimately directed me to stop talking. In other words, it was a typical presidential press conference. Indeed, the only thing unusual about this press conference was that at one point a White House intern approached me and attempted to physically remove the microphone from my right hand. The C-SPAN video accurately depicts what happened. As it shows, I held onto the microphone, stated ‘Pardon me, ma’am,’ and continued asking the President my questions. As eyewitnesses have noted, and as the video clearly demonstrates, the White House’s contention that I ‘plac[ed] my hands on’ the intern is false. In my time as a White House correspondent, I have not seen or experienced a White House intern trying to physically remove a microphone from a reporter’s hand. I interpreted the intern’s unprecedented actions as an expression of the President’s dissatisfaction with the topics of my questions.”


Jim Acosta is not just an egotistical blowhard and Trump-basher, he’s also a serial liar.

Here again is video of Acosta disrupting the Trump press conference and then swiping at and putting his hand on the young female intern.


The liberal media wants you to believe Jim Acosta never placed his hand on the young intern.

This is a blatant lie and they know it.