yea nuts, had the woman caller who said she changed from R to independent because of Flake and McCain and other Rhinos so DMV sent her (6) ballots total to fill out and there is no one she can call since it is intended
This guy has been screaming the loudest because he is all over Podesta and Clinton emails. Not only in a subvert America kind of way but a spirit cooker pizza way. He has every reason to go down fighting. Big player in the pedo-liberal world
Get up from your cubicle, walk a few steps to another cubicle and tell your buddies that they are arguing with each other
Sure as hell wasn't free. Tax payers paid for it AND the recount she still lost in.. even after all the ballots she created.. I mean found after the fair election!
NBC warning their 500+ criminal in the caravan that there are infiltrators. In b4 migrants end up randomly getting killed as the criminals search for the inbeds
Exclusive tin box, Made-in-America Blu-ray, with behind the scenes footage of EVERY POTUS45 Rally when?