Anonymous ID: cd5e6a Nov. 20, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.3972418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2671 >>2829

The CIA and Mossad had much more to do with 911 than did SA.

Part 1


9/11 confessions. “Century Project.” This came out in June so may be in notables from way back. Here’s a reminder because the general belief is that declass is getting closer. The debunking frenzy generated by both John Lear’s and Malcom Howard’s confessions is something to behold. /


A former US government intelligence agent who worked for the CIA during attacks on September 11th, 2001, has given a sworn affidavit stating that 9/11 was an inside job. The ex-CIA agent, who’s also an experienced commercial airline pilot, has blown the whistle on the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, claiming that the three towers were actually brought down by controlled demolitions, and not by passenger planes that were flown by amateur pilots.


Former CIA agent John Lear has not only given a sworn statement as an expert witness, but he has also produced conclusive evidence that disproves the official narrative that the towers were destroyed by airplanes that were highjacked and flown by terrorists.


Speaking under oath, Agent Lear confirms that the WTC buildings in New York were demolished using pre-planted explosives in a carefully orchestrated and well-engineered plot by the United States government and CIA, adding: “No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors” His statements have finally confirmed the long standing theory that the Twin Towers were struck by military planes that had been made to resemble passenger jets and a controlled demolition reduced the buildings to rubble afterward. The 3rd plane failed to strike WTC7 as initially intended due to unknown complications, but all three towers were still destroyed as planned.


These revelations by Lear tie in completely with the statements by last month by dying CIA agent Malcom Howard, who made a death bed confession that he was part of a highly classified operation that was tasked with blowing up World Trade Center Building 7. Speaking from a hospital bed, the New Jersey native says he was part of a cell of 4 CIA operatives who worked on a project dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001 that was tasked with ensuring the successful demolition of WTC7, at a time, he says, the CIA “was still taking orders from the top”.


Even Donald Trump, who is one of the most experienced property developers in New York City, stated that the building could only have been brought down by explosive as “planes would never be able to penetrate the steel beams.”


Speaking about the impossibility of passenger jets being flown into the towers, CIA Agent John Lear stated in his sworn affidavit: “Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted, for the following reasons: in the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun ‘telescoping’ when the nose hit the 14-inch steel columns which are 39 inches on center.


An interview with John Lear:

Anonymous ID: cd5e6a Nov. 20, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.3972432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2866

The CIA and Mossad had much more to do with 911 than did SA.

Part 2

Malcom Howard:

Trained as a civil engineer, Mr. Howard became an explosives expert after being headhunted by the CIA in early 1980s. Mr. Howard says he has extensive experience in planting explosives in items as small as cigarette lighters and as large as “80 floor buildings.”


The 79-year-old New Jersey native says he worked on the CIA operation they dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001, during a time he says the CIA “was still taking orders from the top.” Mr. Howard says he was part of a cell of 4 operatives tasked with ensuring the demolition was successful.


Mr. Howard says the World Trade Center 7 operation is unique among his demolitions, as it is the only demolition that “we had to pretend wasn’t a demolition job”. He claims he had no problem going through with the deception at the time, because “when you are a patriot, you don’t question the motivation of the CIA or the White House. You assume the bigger purpose is for a greater good. They pick good, loyal people like me, and it breaks my heart to hear the shit talk.”


But even he admits that now, looking back, “Something wasn’t right.”


“No good has come from this. This isn’t the America we envisioned.”


Explaining how the building was bought down, Mr. Howard says, “It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives. The hard part was getting thousands of pounds of explosives, fuses and ignition mechanisms into the building without causing too much concern. But almost every single office in the Building 7 was rented by the CIA, the Secret Service, or the military, which made it easier.”

Anonymous ID: cd5e6a Nov. 20, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.3972444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The CIA and Mossad had much more to do with 911 than did SA.

Part 3


The name of the “Century Project” certainly ties in with what we’ve long known. Professor David Ray Griffin wrote opus works on information surrounding 911. His PhD is in logic and it shows in his writing style:


“Shortly before the current Bush administration took office, a document entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses was published by an organization called the Project for the New American Century,[44] founding members of which included Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld. This document focused primarily on getting more tax money allocated for the technological transformation of the US military, with the centerpiece of this technological transformation being the US Space Command’s project to weaponize and thereby control space. Because this transformation of the US military will be very expensive, the document said, it will probably proceed very slowly–unless America suffers “some catastrophic and catalyzing event–like a new Pearl Harbor."[45] It is interesting that on the night of 9/11, President Bush reportedly wrote in his diary, “The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today.”[46] …………..


“Besides being a rousing success in obtaining increased spending for military purposes, 9/11 also provided the pretext for putting many military bases in Central Asia. Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard, had said that doing so would be crucial for maintaining “American primacy,” partly because of the huge oil reserves around the Caspian Sea. Indeed, it may have been from this book that the Project for the New American Century got its idea that a new Pearl Harbor would be helpful. Brzezinski, explaining that the American public had “supported America’s engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,”[48]

Anonymous ID: cd5e6a Nov. 20, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.3972589   🗄️.is 🔗kun


there had to be a point where the value of the second economy (Wall Street) surpassed the value of the first economy (Main Street).

Investments, and the bets therein, needed to expand outside of the USA. hence, globalist investing.

However, a second more consequential aspect happened simultaneously. The politicians became more valuable to the Wall Street team than the Main Street team; and Wall Street had deeper pockets because their economy was now larger.

As a consequence Wall Street started funding political candidates and asking for legislation that benefited their interests.

When Main Street was purchasing the legislative influence the outcomes were -generally speaking- beneficial to Main Street, and by direct attachment those outcomes also benefited the average American inside the real economy.

When Wall Street began purchasing the legislative influence, the outcomes therein became beneficial to Wall Street. Those benefits are detached from improving the livelihoods of main street Americans because the benefits are “global”. Global financial interests, multinational investment interests -and corporations therein- became the primary filter through which the DC legislative outcomes were considered.

There is a natural disconnect.

When Speaker Paul Ryan says: “Donald Trump and I come from two different wings of the party”, he is specifically pointing out this disconnect, yet few draw attention to it.

Trump represents the Main Street wing, Ryan represents the Wall Street wing.

Anonymous ID: cd5e6a Nov. 20, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3972665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ditto. We've been trying to sound the alarms for decades. Mainstream and government propaganda has worked all too well on the masses. Our voices were easily drowned out.

Anonymous ID: cd5e6a Nov. 20, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3972744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2781


This POTUS has worked to disconnect globalist Wall Street from National Main Street by returning lending control to regional, small banks. A Wall Street tank does not in all cases result in a tank for Main Street. Sauce is again, Conservative Treehouse, but gotta get to work.

Anonymous ID: cd5e6a Nov. 20, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3972779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2805 >>2830

On Wall Street tanking. POTUS has tried in a short time to put in a firewall for Main Street.


We’ve long been witnessing and experiencing the struggle between of the majority of the population on Main Street vs globalist interests on Wall Street, AKA, The Big Club. The vast majority of us on Main Street — professionals from all walks, Mom & Pops up through large business owners, boots on the ground employees for corporate retailers, construction, maintenance, and service enterprises — have experienced flattening or decreasing remuneration for all of our respective economic activities. In the meantime, costs for government services, insurance, healthcare, groceries, energy and utilities, tuition, and most other goods and services have been rising for decades.

Another way to state this is that earning power for Main Street has flattened or decreased all while purchasing power for Main Street has weakened. The gap between the fabulously wealthy on Wall Street, the Big Club globalists represented by the Chamber of Commerce, and the economic engine comprised of the Main Street populace, has profoundly widened. Imagine carrying these trends forward for another decade or two. What do you see? What happens to our country and the majority of the population? This is a macro issue that must be addressed. These trends led to the election of Donald Trump as President.

Remarkably, I’ve seen a great resistance to this President from the very Main Street participants whose lot in life could be improved by re-focusing national energies away from the globalist agenda. Emphasis seems to be placed on micro complaints — he’s so rude and crude, and the list goes on, ad nauseum. In the scheme of things, my response to the micro concerns is so what if our nation can be placed back on a path of sustainability economically, environmentally, and otherwise. I’m reminded of frogs placed in cool water that is slowly heated to a boil. We’re frogs in a pot of water, unable to recognize the fate that awaits us if we don’t escape. This President, against all odds with all the monied powers against him, is working on the escape.

Sundance expands on the ideas surrounding globalism vs nationalism. “Some call it ‘Globalism vs Nationalism’, at other times it is best described as “Wall Street -vs- Main Street”; however, the overarching bigger picture is a battle over economics and the financial power structures that oppose President Trump.”