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Trump is not the Hand of God. No one is. God is infinite, His Hand is Infinite. How can one of us or even all of us be His Hand? We are just his tools to use as He sees fit. Including Trump and Q. God is my only Master. I worship and submit to His Will alone. All others are my brothers and sisters who are no better or worse than me in the Eyes of our Lord, therefore all are equal in His Sight and therefore mine. To worship or submit to any other is to turn away from Him. He gave us free will in this world because He wants us to come to him of our own free will, knowing full well we would abuse our freedom. Free will is how He tests us, how he tests our Faith. His Hand is the spiritual force that sweeps all before Him. When we are with Him in the Spirit we are victorious even in death. We do not fear death but His enemies do fear death. They live in fear. That what liberation is all about. To free everyone from the rule of His enemies so we are free to choose His rule. If we rule ourselves in His name, all will be well. If we reject His rule we will lead ourselves into ruination. This is the Day that was Promised to us so long ago by He who always keeps His Promises. The Day when all accept His rule and the world lives in peace.