Anonymous ID: abec6f Nov. 20, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.3973382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guess they didn't get the right candidate the first time… Obama praised Haiti's progress toward long-delayed elections on Thursday, and pledged renewed American help on the continuing cleanup from the 2010 earthquake.

"I'm very encouraged by the fact that Haiti has now made progress on an election law that could ensure elections this year and help to resolve some of the political roadblocks that have stalled some progress in the country," Obama said after a meeting with President Michel Martelly at the White House.


As for earthquake recovery, Obama noted that security is improving, infrastructure is being repaired, and schools and businesses are reopening.


"It's been a very slow and difficult process," Obama said. "And I think we all recognize that we all have a lot more work to do. My message today to the president and the people of Haiti is that the American people are committed to standing with you in this process."


The U.S. will not be financing Haiti’s Oct. 9 rerun presidential elections, State Department spokesman John Kirby said Thursday.


Kirby said Haitian officials were notified on July 1 that the U.S. government, which provided $33 million toward last year’s contested legislative and presidential elections, “has suspended its assistance toward the completion of the presidential electoral process.”


“We did not plan funding for two more electoral rounds in 2016 and 2017,” Kirby said.

Anonymous ID: abec6f Nov. 20, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.3974153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Couple of emails from wiki. One contains info about dispute of where cholera outbreak started in Haiti. Nepal says no, French doctor said yes…


Other shows bureaucratic fubar on getting things out of customs for Haitian relief.

In October 2010, United Nations Peacekeepers from Nepal infected Haiti’s most significant river system with cholera, inciting the first cholera outbreak in the country in over a century. So far, the epidemic has taken over 10,000 lives, and some estimate that the disease has infected up to 800,000 people. Those who caused the outbreak—and covered it up—have not assumed assumed responsibility, including the United Nations and several government agencies under the Obama administration, such as Hillary Clinton’s State Department. 

New emails obtained from the Center for Disease Control reveal that they suspected the origin of the outbreak was UN Peacekeepers before news of the outbreak was even reported in the press. In the emails, officials exercise damage control to prevent backlash in Haiti toward the UN presence, citing concerns from the National Security Council, which was chaired by Obama at the time. The National Security Council spokesperson refused to respond to Katz’s request for comment and the State Department refused to disclose when or how they became aware of the outbreak’s origin. It would take six years for the United Nations to finally admit they were responsible.

The National Security Council is the U.S. government’s highest-level defense-planning body. Its chairman is the president of the United States. What’s fascinating here is the timing: The first international news report linking the U.N. to the outbreak—my dispatch for the Associated Press—would not appear until a day later, Oct. 27. It would take a handful of journalists, university labs, and independent epidemiologists, often working at odds with the U.N. and its allies, weeks more to gather evidence cinching the conclusion. Thanks in part to aggressive official denial and pushback in the press, most people outside Haiti would not learn about the probable link for months, if not years. The U.N. would continue denying any involvement in the outbreak until it finally admitted in 2016 having played a role. By then, at least 800,000 people in Haiti had been sickened and officially more than 9,500 killed, with experts estimating the real toll could be two or three times higher.