You'll never be invited to Thanksgiving at muh house if you can't accept rap, Freddy.
are you retiring this year? were you not stupid and had a diverse portfolio?
or do you have an agenda to push?
Works for me! Just be down with the tunes, bring a bottle of something decent and don't expect to eat until, like, 10pm.
Q, if you're here, could you please confirm that I'm getting a Range Rover for Christmas? NOT the fucking Defender? Plz?
Everyone's mom has awkward nudes.
Ooooh god I wish.
Both. MOSTLY color, tho.
That was Grandmother - they were beautiful, in a Pinterest kind of way. Weirdo flower arrangements on the background. What the fuck was THAT about?
It's disgusting and everyone associated with the operation of that company TRULY ought to be brought in front of a judge and jury. No paying a stupid fucking fine; just make a case defending why it is ok to exploit and manipulate users in the ways they did. See what happens.
Reminder that you smell like red snapper.
Fuck your smiley face and you have absolutely no idea what I am.