Anonymous ID: f1ebac Nov. 20, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.3974496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4757 >>4777


Bin Laden died of kidney failure well before this fake raid, Dec 2001, see pics. McRaven is a mass murderer who killed his own men see notes from Yesterday about the seal team 6 killings. I can only assume this is being used to expose more fuckery.

Anonymous ID: f1ebac Nov. 20, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.3974530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington Post: Trump 'Surrenders' to Saudi Government Over Khashoggi Slaying


The Washington Post, a publication for which slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi wrote, slammed US President Donald Trump's comments earlier Tuesday, saying by surrendering "to this state-ordered murder" by Saudi Arabia, "he is placing personal relationships and commercial interests above American interests."


Tuesday morning, Trump issued a statement on the Khashoggi killing heavily suggesting that no further actions would be taken beyond the 17 Saudi nationals already sanctioned by the US Treasury and that Trump took Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman at their word when they vigorously denied "any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi."


Trump also commented that the Saudi government spends "a record amount of money" on defense contracts with the US, noting that Russia and China would benefit and Americans would suffer should those contracts be cancelled.


In response, the Post fired back Tuesday afternoon, saying that "President Trump's response to the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is a betrayal of long-established American values of respect for human rights and expectation of trust and honesty in our strategic relationships."


Late last week, the CIA released its conclusions on the murder of Khashoggi, which happened inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2, finding that Mohammad bin Salman had directly ordered the hit, Sputnik reported.​ The report, which was first published by the Post, noted such evidence as that Mohammad's brother Khalid had told Khashoggi he needed to go to the consulate in question for his paperwork, that a call was placed from inside the consulate immediately after the murder to one of the Crown Prince's closest advisers, and a recording of the murder itself captured by a listening device placed in the consulate by Turkish intelligence.


"The accepted position is that there is no way this happened without him being aware or involved," a source told the paper.


"President Trump is correct in saying the world is a very dangerous place," the statement by Post publisher and CEO Fred Ryan reads. "If there is reason to doubt the findings of the CIA, President Trump should immediately make that evidence public."


"In this failure of leadership from President Trump, it now falls to Congress to stand up for America's true values and lasting interests," the statement concludes.

Anonymous ID: f1ebac Nov. 20, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3974625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Sanctions Russian, Iranian Companies To Disrupt Oil Shipments To Syria


The US announced new sanctions against what a "network of petroleum shipments" to Syria, including Russian and Iranian companies and individuals, in what Washington said was an attempt to disrupt shipments to Syrian-owned ports. Six individuals and three institutions were sanctioned in what the Treasury said was an illicit plot involving officials in Iran working with Russian companies to send millions of barrels of oil to the Assad government in exchange for funds that Tehran then used to fund Islamic militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah.


Those sanctioned include two officials working with the Central Bank of Iran, a Syrian national and his Russia-based company Global Vision Group, and Russia’s state-owned Promsyrioimport, a subsidiary of the Kremlin’s energy ministry, as well as its first deputy director. The administration is also sanctioning an Iranian entity that purports to be a medical and pharmaceutical company that U.S. officials say has been repeatedly used to facilitate illicit money transfers in the scheme.


“Today we are acting against a complex scheme Iran and Russia have used to bolster the Assad regime and generate funds for Iranian malign activity,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. “Central Bank of Iran officials continue to exploit the international financial system, and in this case even used a company whose name suggests a trade in humanitarian goods as a tool to facilitate financial transfers supporting this oil scheme."


As detailed in the Treasury statement, Russian companies would act as middlemen, taking money from Iran to move the oil to Syria. In one case detailed in a Treasury Department press release, the Iranian central bank transferred money to an Iranian pharmaceutical company, hoping that its humanitarian name would throw US observers off the trail. That money was then allegedly wired to a Russian bank, then to a Russian company that shipped the oil from Iran to Syria. Along the way, the Treasury Department claims that Russian ships would switch off their GPS tracking systems to conceal the origin of their cargo.


Once the cash is stashed in the Central Bank of Syria, it is then allegedly sent to Hezbollah and Hamas units operating in Lebanon and on Palestinian territory.


Trump administration officials said Syria sent hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force in return for the oil shipments, money that was then used to fund Hamas and Hezbollah.


Officials described the action as the latest effort to ratchet up pressure on Iran for its “destructive and destabilizing behavior” beyond the reimposition of sanctions lifted under the Obama administration as part of the Iranian nuclear deal. Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the deal in May and reinstated sanctions on Tehran earlier this month.


The latest sanctions build on an ongoing campaign against Iran and its allies, which target the country’s banking, shipping, and oil sectors. Banks that provided services to Hamas and Hezbollah were slapped with sanctions, as were shipping companies that moved Iranian troops and supplies around the Middle East.


As reported previously, facing the threat of US penalties, the SWIFT financial messaging system cut the Iranian central bank off from its network a week later, making it even more difficult for the country to settle its import and export bills.


The administration also issued a global maritime advisory warning those in the shipping industry that they run the risk of U.S. sanctions if they are involved in shipping oil to Syria. The US has promised that it will "disrupt" any attempted shipments to government-owned ports in Syria


Keeping up the Trump administration’s tough rhetoric on Iran, Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, warned on Tuesday that “shipping companies, insurers, vessel owners, managers, and operators should all be aware of the grave consequences of engaging in sanctionable conduct involving Iranian oil shipments.”


SYRIA has it's own OIL this is fucking dumb as dog shit, complete fabrication

Anonymous ID: f1ebac Nov. 20, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3974666   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“We’re seeing from the government a deliberate decision NOT to deliver a proper Brexit” – Rees-Mogg


The deal she always wanted – Theresa May. Jacob Rees-Mogg has said what all of the 17.4 million Leave voters already know. Mrs. ‘Treason’ May’s #BrexitNotBrexit #RemainersBrexit is not actually Brexit.


The UK is not leaving the Customs Union, free movement will continue, and we will not have a say over our own trade deals.


Jacob also mentioned the letters of No-Confidence being submit. At present there are 46 of the required 48 letters already sent in so it is just a matter of awaiting two more letters for there to be some hope for the majority of the largest vote ever in UK history to be heard.


Mr. Rees-Mogg was speaking at a European Research Group press conference dismissing any belief that Britain was actually exiting the Customs Union.


He clearly asserted: “What we’re seeing from the government is a deliberate decision not to deliver a proper Brexit. “We have a government led by Remainers that want to keep us tied to the EU as tightly as possible.


The PM in her statement Friday afternoon said this is the deal she always wanted.


“And the deal that she has got is not a proper Brexit.”

Anonymous ID: f1ebac Nov. 20, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.3974684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4710 >>4895 >>4926 >>5006

France, Germany Vow to Push on with Plans to Curb National Sovereignty in Eurozone


France and Germany have vowed to push forward with plans to curb national sovereignty on financial matters in the eurozone, with ministers from the 19 countries set to enter talks in the coming days on creating a common budget.


Bruno Le Maire, the economy minister of France, said discussions were “moving in the right direction” to see a common eurozone budget, to help “promote greater convergence” across the currency bloc, in place by 2021.


The former diplomat, whose résumé includes positions in the governorship of several international banks as well as membership of the George Soros-backed European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), hailed a “major political breakthrough” following a meeting with European ministers on Monday.


“Everyone is aware of the necessity of reinforcing the eurozone,” Le Maire told reporters, asserting that “the lack of convergence between national economies is not sustainable over the long term for a single monetary union”.


Speaking at a joint press conference alongside his German counterpart, Olaf Scholz, the French minister added: “One year ago we could not even use the word eurozone budget. And now, there is a Franco-German operational proposal. This is, to us, a major political breakthrough.”


However the Franco-German proposals, which were presented at the meeting of all 27 EU finance ministers as a package of measures to stabilise the euro and strengthen the currency’s resilience against crises, met with some concern from other member states “including the Nordic and Baltic states as well as Austria and Finland”, according to a report in the Financial Times.


Dutch finance minister Wopke Hoekstra described the plans as “less than convincing”, telling journalists it was “unclear why this would help and why this would be in the interest of Dutch citizens”, before adding: “If this is not in the interest of the Netherlands or the Dutch taxpayer then we are out.”


While admitting there was “some work that needs still to be done” in convincing some member states of the need for a common eurozone budget, Scholtz insisted that the proposals would “help us to support the convergence of the eurozone and all the other things that are important to our common future”.


The move would be a key step towards the “profound transformation” of the eurozone demanded by Emmanuel Macron and his domestic economy team, who have been “ramping up the pressure” to see its 19 members locked together irreversibly by further convergence fearing the rise of pro-sovereignty movements in Europe are a threat to plans for a federal EU superstate.


The French president and his German counterpart Angela Merkel, who recently gave her enthusiastic backing for an EU army, appeared together at the weekend to hail an alliance in which the two leaders will push to kill nationalism in Europe and wrest more power from the governments of member states so as to hand them over to Brussels.


Despite facing a massive crisis of popularity on the domestic stage, backed by only a quarter of voters in France — while hundreds of thousands of people recently took to the streets to protest huge fuel tax hikes — Macron claimed “the Franco-German couple [has] the obligation not to let the world slip into chaos and to guide it on the road to peace”.


“That’s why Europe must be stronger… and win more sovereignty,” he told the German Parliament, declaring that Brussels must be given power over “policies on foreign affairs, migration, and development, an increasing part of our budgets and even fiscal resources”.

Anonymous ID: f1ebac Nov. 20, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.3974699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5006

Brussels Unveils EU Army Plans for Spy School, Missile Development


The European Union has agreed to a series of armament and military projects including a spy school and medium-range missile development as part of its proto-EU army force PESCO.


Late Monday, foreign and defence ministers from 25 countries agreed at the Council of the European Union on the 17 projects under the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) initiative, which was adopted by the bloc in December 2017.


Projects on the books include upgrading the Tiger Mk3 attack helicopter and developing a new generation of drones and a high-atmosphere airship for intelligence-gathering and reconnaissance.


Of note, the plans include the Joint EU Intelligence School which will, working in cooperation with national security agencies and NATO, “provide education and training in intelligence disciplines and other specific fields to EU member states’ intelligence personnel.”


The bloc was said to be spurned on to develop the collective defence force after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 — yet critics have noted that the spy school will be headed up by Greece and Cyprus, considered the most ‘Russia-friendly’ of all member states.


France, Belgium, and Cyprus are to head up a venture to develop a medium-range missile in a project entitled, “EU Beyond Line Of Sight.” The output is intended to “be integrated on an extensive variety of platforms (ground-to-ground and air-to-ground) and to provide integrated and autonomous target designation capability.”


Of the 28 countries in the bloc, only Malta, Denmark, and the UK have rejected PESCO involvement.


However, Prime Minister Theresa May has signed up the UK to the Emmanuel Macron-led defence coalition of ten countries, with The Guardian reporting EU sources as saying that British officials are also keen to engage with PESCO after the country leaves the bloc.


The EU is expected to outline next year how third countries can participate in the Brussels defence force next year.


PESCO’s progress comes after both France’s Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a “real, true European army” — plans celebrated by senior Eurocrats, but which were once deemed a “dangerous fantasy” by Remain campaigners.

Anonymous ID: f1ebac Nov. 20, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.3974727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4735 >>4809 >>4826 >>4842

Florida Democrats under investigation for election fraud: ‘Plenty of documentation’


Florida’s Department of Law Enforcement and the Office of Statewide Prosecution said they’ve opened a criminal investigation into allegations of election fraud by Democrats, Capitol News Service reported.


Evidence reported to the Department of State suggests Democrats possibly had voters fix ballots after the state’s deadline in at least four counties, the outlet added.


The party sent voters cure forms for mail ballots, CNS said, and the return date was changed from the day before the election to two days afterward.


The altered forms showed up on Broward, Santa Rosa, Citrus, and Okaloosa counties, the Naples Daily News reported.


One state Democratic Party staffer who was instructed to share the altered form with voters said she has “plenty of documentation to prove” several party leaders were told that the modified form was being circulated, the News added.


“Once I realized that the form was altered I brought it to the attention of several members in leadership. I have plenty of documentation to prove this,” Eli Logan, a Brevard Democrat, wrote in a private Facebook group message obtained by USA Today Network – Florida, the News also said.

What are the implications?


It’s a third-degree felony under state law to “make or use any false document, knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry” connected to the Florida Department of State, including the elections division, which produces the form in question, the News added.

What does a Democratic strategist have to say?


Democratic strategist Steve Schale told CNS it was all likely due to a mix-up.


“Some 23-year-old staffer probably got two dates mixed up,” Schale said on camera. “They put the date down for the provisional ballot cure, not the absentee ballot cure thing, and actually by doing it, all they did was make it harder … for their own voters to vote.”


What do others have to say?


“It looks like they were just planning on a judge siding with them because of the bias toward trying to allow as many votes as possible to count that were legally cast,” Eric Eggers, author of the recently released “Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election,” said on camera. “It’s the first evidence we have of systemic efforts to undercut or subvert election law as it was on the book.”