>>3975060 lb
Misidentified Clapper. Pic4 correction
>>3975060 lb
Misidentified Clapper. Pic4 correction
>>3975296 This incident occurred 4 years ago at Pyramid Lake, Reno area. A father and his 2 middle aged sons were in a boat, fishing. They were all found drowned, with the boat overturned. Don't know for sure what happened, but I read an account by someone who said he had seen several incidents where family anger led to fights on boats, which of course are susceptible to overturning.
BAKER Very f'n notable
>>3975167 Venezuelan Billionaire News Network Owner, Former Venezuelan National Treasurer & Former Owner of Dominican Republic Bank Charged in Money Laundering Conspiracy Involving >$1B Bribes
While the people in Venezuela can barely eat.
What do you bet there is a trafficking involvement as well?
Heya baker. Of course you are the sauce police. Breaking news twitters are useful for a heads-up, and sometimes contain sauce like a Reuters or AP article, and sometimes require anons to go looking for corroborating sauce.
You go, Baker.
I hesitate to award dubdubs, but we will stay tuned for further definitive info. Redtext is kind of icky, you know? Don't want the shill stigma to rub off on a legit anon.
Anon prefers the title "Anon" instead of "Sir". Catch my drift? We're anon here.