Anonymous ID: 1f7d09 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.3976653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6731 >>7127 >>7179 >>7254 >>7260


US Senate Demands Trump Explore Saudi Sanctions Over Khashoggi Murder


In a letter to US President Donald Trump Tuesday, top US Senators renewed their demands for his administration to open a Global Magnitsky investigation into Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's relationship to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


A bipartisan group of 22 senators first sent a letter requesting the investigation on October 12, ten days after the journalist disappeared during a visit to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. The Global Magnitsky Act is an extension of sanctions applied by the US government to Russian officials it believed were connected to the death of Sergei Magnitsky in a Russian jail in 2012. The 2016 extension enables it to apply such sanctions to other individuals worldwide the US government believes are connected to human rights violations.


The US Treasury did sanction 17 Saudi nationals in connection with Khashoggi's murder under the Magnitsky Act on November 15, Sputnik reported, but the Saudi Crown Prince was not among those sanctioned.


"We expect to receive your determination within 120 days," senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Bob Corker (R-TN) wrote in their letter.​


The US government has delivered conflicting accounts of Khashoggi's murder. Last Friday, the CIA concluded the Washington Post journalist had been slain at the explicit orders of the Crown Prince, but the State Department rebutted that position, which Trump reiterated on Monday in a statement.


"It could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event — maybe he did and maybe he didn't! We may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr Jamal Khashoggi," the president wrote.

Anonymous ID: 1f7d09 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.3976673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6689 >>6994

‘That’s Not Law’ — Donald Trump Previews ‘Major Complaint’ Against Ninth Circuit Court


President Donald Trump shared his frustration with the Ninth Circuit Court on Tuesday, promising a “major complaint” against them.


“Well you go to the Ninth Circuit, and it’s a disgrace, we’re going to put in a major complaint,” Trump said. “Because you can’t win if you’re us.”


The president commented on the court as he left the White House to travel to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.


Trump noted his opponents always seemed to file every case against him and in his administration in the Ninth Circuit court.


“That’s not law, that’s not what this country stands for,” Trump said.


Trump commented on the court after a district judge in San Francisco, appointed by former President Barack Obama, barred enforcement of the new asylum restrictions set by Trump’s administration at the border.


Trump reminded reporters that many of the rulings that ended up in the Ninth Circuit, such as the travel ban, ended up at the Supreme Court and were overturned.


“It’s not going to happen like this anymore,” Trump said.


The president said he was optimistic that his asylum rules changes would win in the Supreme Court.

Anonymous ID: 1f7d09 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:29 p.m. No.3976714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Supreme Court Upholds Apartheid Rule


Repressive Israeli rule way exceeds the worst of South African apartheid. The Occupied Territories are virtual battlegrounds, Gaza most of all.


Palestinians are terrorized daily by Israeli soldiers and police, along with PA security forces, acting as the Jewish state’s enforcer against their own people.


Time and again, Israel’s Supreme Court upholds apartheid ruthlessness in its rulings – judicial fairness abandoned, fundamental Palestinian rights affirmed under international law ignored.


In May, Supreme Court justices rejected petitions by human rights groups, ruling for Israeli soldiers to use live fire and other terrorist tactics against peaceful Palestinian demonstrators.


At the time, the Adalah and Al Mezan human rights groups slammed the ruling in a joint statement, saying


justices “completely ignored the broad factual basis presented to it by the petitioners, which includes multiple testimonies of wounded and reports of international organizations involved in documenting the killing and wounding of unarmed protesters in Gaza.”


In 2015, the High Court rejected the right of free expression, supporting Israel’s repressive 2011 Anti-Boycott Law.


It criminalizes legitimate calls for boycotting the Jewish state, permitting ruling regimes to impose harsh punishments on individuals, groups, and institutions, calling for or participating in boycott activities.


Human rights groups call the law a “shut mouths” measure, aiming to silence legitimate criticism, Israel’s High Court upholding what no just societies and their courts would tolerate – what America’s First Amendment prohibits.


At the time, Adalah Attorney Sawsan Zaher said


“(t)his arbitrary law harms Palestinians more than others because they are on the frontlines of struggling against the Occupation and the violation of the human rights of their people under Occupation in the West Bank, (East Jerusalem), and Gaza.”


In 2014, Israel’s Supreme Court upheld the so-called Admissions Committee Law, permitting Negev and Galilee towns to ban Israeli Arab citizens, claiming they’re “unsuitable” for Jewish communities.


In response, an Adalah press release said


“(t)his law is one of the most racist pieces of legislation enacted in recent years, the primary objective of which is to marginalize Arab citizens and prevent them from accessing housing on ‘state land’ in many communities. The court’s decision upholds one of the most dangerous laws in Israel.”


Last Thursday, Israeli Supreme Court justices approved the eviction of 40 East Jerusalem families from their East Jerusalem Sheikh Jarrah homes.


The neighborhood is designated for Jews-only residency as part of the Netanyahu regime’s E1 Jerusalem plan, wanting the international city entirely Judaized.


The High Court ruling jeopardizes the right of the neighborhood’s 3,000 residents to remain in their homes. Evicting 40 Palestinian families could be prelude to dispossessing all others in Sheikh Jarrah.


Israel’s Land Fund’s Arieh King admitted that the group’s plan is to displace all neighborhood Palestinian residents, permitting it exclusively for Jews.


Families ordered displaced by Israel’s High Court have lived in Sheikh Jarrah since 1956 on their own land.


An Israeli district court refused to hear their case. Israel’s Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s ruling, Justice Barak-Erez saying:


“We cannot intervene in the findings of fact by the district court. According to the laws on the statute of limitations and the factual findings, we have no tools to intervene in the decision.”


The aggrieved Palestinians refused to withdraw their appeal, asking for a High Court ruling – delivered against them on Thursday.


Justice was again denied, the way it nearly always is against fundamental Palestinian rights throughout the Territories.


That’s what apartheid rule is all about!

Anonymous ID: 1f7d09 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.3976986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045 >>7127 >>7179 >>7249 >>7254 >>7274 >>7388

Air Force Grants First Beard Waiver to Muslim Airman


An airman from the 821st Contingency Response Support Squadron at Travis Air Force Base, California, can now wear a beard in keeping with his Muslim faith, thanks to a recently granted religious accommodation waiver, service officials said.


Staff Sgt. Abdul Rahman Gaitan is the first Muslim airman to receive such a waiver, public affairs officials with Travis told It was approved Aug. 1.


According to a news release about Gaitan, the airman was raised Catholic but developed an interest in Islam during a 2011 deployment to Izmir, Turkey, where the Air Force maintains an air station. He continued his pursuit of the faith as he moved on to his next duty station in Hawaii, and ultimately decided to convert.


Getting authorization to grow a beard in keeping with his new faith, however, would require nearly four more years of effort, according to the release.


In 2014, the Pentagon released a new policy outlining how religious service members might apply for a waiver to wear otherwise-prohibited items – such as a turban, headscarf or beard – as a way of expressing "sincerely held beliefs." The policy made clear that such accommodations would be granted on a case-by-case basis and could be denied if the request was seen to interfere with wearing a uniform or helmet, impede work or pose a health or safety hazard.


Since Gaitan was granted his own waiver, he said he has received some negative backlash, but also support from his chain of command, according to the service release.


"A month after I started growing my beard, someone shooed me away with their hand saying very negative things because I was a Muslim. A week later, another person from a different squadron felt comfortable enough to ask me if I had joined ISIS," Gaitan said in a statement. "These two incidents weren't the only ones. Earlier … someone openly questioned if I was a terrorist."


However, he said, he was defended by his peers on the spot, and the matter was quickly elevated to senior officials, who reassured him he had their support.


"The incident shot straight to the commander, like a lightning bolt, and the following morning I was called into his office with the chief and first sergeant waiting for me," Gaitan said in the release. "In my entire career, I've never had a commander look me in the eyes like he did … his look, tone, words and posture were shouting at me, 'Don't worry, we have your back.' "

Anonymous ID: 1f7d09 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:55 p.m. No.3976995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7005 >>7033

Military Takeover: Trump to Cede Security Clearance Management to Pentagon


The Trump administration is gearing up to introduce a “sweeping” effort to grant management of the US government’s security clearance program to the Department of Defense (DoD), a new report claims.


Currently, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the National Background Investigations Bureau handle the program, but that could change if President Donald Trump signs the executive order he is expected to, according to Federal News Network, which cited multiple sources.


One defense official told the outlet that the Pentagon has been preparing to take over the program for months, ever since Congress authorized the DoD to take care of its own background checks in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act.


It is expected that the DoD will form an entirely new security clearance organization once it gets the proper approval from Congress. In the interim, the Pentagon can restructure its existing apparatuses.


A congressional aide told Federal News Network that a Senate meeting will be held in the spring on the topic of security clearances.


The new department will have just over 10,000 employees, according to industry sources who spoke with the outlet. That number will include contract investigators and the roughly 900 employees already doing the job for the DoD.


In late October, McClatchy reported that the number two official in the US Intelligence community, Susan M. Gordon of the Directorate of National Intelligence, said that the government backlog of 600,000 security clearance applications will be halved by the spring. In 2017, the number of people in the security clearance backlog was as high as 740,000.


That year, a number of people were given temporary security clearances in the face of the massive backlog. The hasty remedy, however, backfired dramatically, with a handful of interim clearances doled out to some highly questionable characters, Sputnik News reported at the time.


"I have rapists, pedophiles and people involved in child porn — I have all these things at the interim clearance level, and I'm pulling their clearances on a weekly basis," the head of the Defense Security Service, Daniel Payne, said.


OPM announced that it had been hacked in 2015, with some 21.5 million records stolen containing information on 22.1 million people, leading to the resignations of the the department's director and chief information officer.


Believed to be included in the trove of stolen documents are details of background checks conducted on current, former and prospective employees of the US government, 5.36 million sets of fingerprints and personally identifiable information including addresses, dates of birth, military records and more. According to the Wall Street Journal and other outlets, US government officials believe that Chinese hackers were behind the attack.


Turning over the responsibility of managing such highly sensitive information to the Pentagon may help safeguard it from future breaches. In 2015, the American Federation of Government Employees union said that the hack compromised every employee of the US government.

Anonymous ID: 1f7d09 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:58 p.m. No.3977030   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pretty clear right now there are two branches of US mil white hats and cabal recent news WW is skitzo.. Quite possible he's handing control to the white hats from the cabal.

Anonymous ID: 1f7d09 Nov. 20, 2018, 5 p.m. No.3977048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7065


>"I have rapists, pedophiles and people involved in child porn — I have all these things at the interim clearance level, and I'm pulling their clearances on a weekly basis," the head of the Defense Security Service, Daniel Payne, said.