Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.3976685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3976604 (pb)

>The majority of mexicans in mexico are not like this.

21 million of them are sucking off of the United States…and the fucking rest of them have been having a nice siesta while the UNITED STATES carried their fucking economy. MAJORITY…fuckingA where were the majority when we were electing Donald Trump eh? Wavin the fucking flag and saying YES TRUMP? NOPE..never said a word…now..oh yes they love Trump don't they?


I have LIVED in central America for long periods of time and trust me I fucking know what the fuck I'm talking about.


MEXICANS are the most fuckin racist people on earth (and me having traveled/lived all over)…and have the NERVE to point fingers at us…while sucking our money.


FUCK THEM. And yes, the majority of them are like that. SORRY. Because until THEY had to suffer they were FINE with illegal immigration.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:32 p.m. No.3976732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6897

>>3976620 (pb)

I see you've generously included the VENUS symbol..however…are you SURE?


Cause, I don't think you can be so sure. (pic related)


Wonder when someone is gonna shoop those symbols together (mars/venus gender symbols)…I have no mad skillz there..but the first person to do it is gonna be a hero…meme magic.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.3976752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7137

>>3976376 (pb)

>Think programming. All of us have been. We are now WOKE.

STOP the fuck telling other people what to think and feel.


I have ZERO fucking feelings for the UK. When they laid down and rolled over and played dead (after literally fucking up most of the rest of the world with their "sun never sets") …nope. Laid the fuck down rolled over played dead and now they have women? in burkas tied to ropes being led down the street and THOUSANDS of their children being groomed and raped and they're like..oy lad, wanna pint?


And do not fucking include me in "all of us" programming…LOLOLOL no, only NPCs were programmed to receive, red and blue NPCs..and while others like me are glad to add to our numbers, we are fully aware of what you are…and what you are not. "woke" isn't it. Programmed, yes, it's just this program happens to be to my liking. WOKE…kek…NEVER. been. asleep.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.3976818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3976354 (pb)

>Just like you fuckers are responsible for all the wars in the world that you fucking idiots ALLOWED to happen,

KEK…riiiight..the "sun never sets on the BRITISH EMPIRE" blaming the United States for your rampant greed, endless colonisation, getting yourself INTO but loosing two world wars (without us…BTW not our blood, not one more fucking drop.)


YOU should nuke us? I'm dying here, SRSLY…you don't even have the lads to win a footie anymore…a bunch of fucking sissy boys who lay down and let their children be raped AND EATEN without saying a fucking word…it's sad but it's likely that the fiercest "men" left in the UK are the Poles and the Gitanos. KEK. UK gonna beat us up.


The longer I spent in your stinky capital city the more I came to realize what pathetic lumps of nothing you were and then I completely understood why the fucking limeys needed the USA to bail their asses out..twice. THEN your fucking country disrespects our President? OH hell no.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.3976894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7219



still trying to preserve the monster god Enil aand his asshole covenant with his people eh? Well…that might work for retards but it doesn't work for US.


yeah I've seen your ilk trying to turn Enil/Jehovah into the good guy…KEK..sorry…anyone who can read knows exactly what Enil was. The Monster God. Fucking asshole.


You work from the bible…the plagiarized altered words of the Sumerians…and if you do now realize that, there's zero help for you.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.3977012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7050


>There is no hate involved except by possible radicals.

clearly you are choosing to be ignorant. Jews fucking HATE anyone that isn't (((THEM))) go watch the ENDLESS videos (if they're still up) of jews talking about how much they hate…kek…this sort of ignorance in these days of the Interbutz…is quite unforgiveable.


DO YOU THINK Soros and ALL the fucking "dear white people" jews are attempting to destroy the rest of the world for any reason other than fucking hate?


Jews know that whole damn Jesus story is a lie and they HATE you for being stupid enough to fall for it. KEK virgin births, talkin snakes…

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.3977051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


nah brah a few of the pics do not show him off to his full advantage. (no homo..wait…maybe…if he's gay)..if I had half that man's smolder I'd be…I bet he can start a conversation with a lady by touching his chin and looking inquisitive…BOOM. Some people just have that one thing…and he's got it.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:02 p.m. No.3977072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK nailed it. I scroll so fast that's exactly what my screen looks like. It's the pathetic FB and redditors that have to respond every single fucking time..SHILL, FILTERED< WAAAAMbulance. I just keep on scrolling.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.3977117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7124 >>7153


a magical thinker calls ME a moron.


  1. Jews/Zionists fucking HATE anyone who isn't a jew. I can provide you with ENDLESS proofs to that effect. ENDLESS…I have MORE where that came from…dear white people…signed THE JEWS.


  1. Zionists fucking HATE anyone who isn't them. Shall I start posting videos of them attacking people in Israel? I laugh at israel…because Secular Jews are being out bred 15 to 1 by the Hasidim and THEY won't fight in the army, THEY won't work, THEY won't do anything but study the Torah, inbreed with each other and hate.


FACT…you cannot tell the difference between an orthodox rabbi and an fundamental Imam. Because there's zero difference.


I know ALL to well all about fuckin Israeli Jews. So…yeah, there's literally no point in me discussing with someone as ignorant on the subject as you are.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.3977224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7358




See, when one accuses someone of making absurd claims, the SMART person in the room expects the complainant to tear down each argument and point out where it's wrong…not blanket post MUH JOOS..because that's exactly what the left does, that's exactly what a MUH JEW would do in order to shift the conversation without having provided a shred of evidence that the primary argument is incorrect.

over and over and over…that's actually how stupid they are..they keep doing it…KEK.

Anonymous ID: c642d4 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.3977257   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Read the bible god wins means nothing,to u huh




read the Sumarian texts and get back to me…and do read them knowing that they predate your precious "bible" by thousands of years. Your pea brain couldn't take it, you'd fall apart..when you realize the fucking Jews plagiarized their entire belief set, changed it so (((THEY))) were the heroes and then managed to rope the entire rest of the world into THEIR asshattery. You literally "believe" in the obscure god of an obscure desert tribe that rose to power LITERALLY BY KILLING EVERYONE


fuck yeah their god wins but he literally KILLS EVERYONE ELSE TO DO SO.