Anonymous ID: dbc2a0 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.3977426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7610

Update: Obama-Appointed San Francisco Judge From England Blocks Trump From Refusing Asylum to Migrants Outside of Ports of Entry


Judge Jon S. Tigar, an Obama-appointed judge, blocksed President Trump from refusing asylum to economic migrants at the US border.

Democrats are now opening ruling for open borders.


Judge Tigar is an immigrant.

He was not born in the US.

He is from London.


CNN reported:


In an order laced with language accusing President Donald Trump of attempting to rewrite immigration laws, a federal judge based in San Francisco temporarily blocked the government late Monday night from denying asylum to those crossing over the southern border between ports of entry.


Judge Jon S. Tigar of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California said that a policy announced November 9 barring asylum for immigrants who enter outside a legal check point ‘”irreconcilably conflicts” with immigration law and the “expressed intent of Congress.”


“Whatever the scope of the President’s authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden,” Tigar wrote, adding that asylum seekers would be put at “increased risk of violence and other harms at the border” if the administration’s rule is allowed to go into effect.


The temporary restraining order is effective nationwide and will remain in effect until December 19, when the judge has scheduled another hearing, or further order of the court.

Anonymous ID: dbc2a0 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.3977487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7583 >>7594 >>7635 >>7789 >>7992 >>8065

Conservatives Slam Judge for Blocking Genital Mutilation Charges


A federal judge is facing a public outcry after he threw out federal charges against several Muslims who are suspected of cutting girls’ genitals to minimize future sexual desires.


“Outrageous,” said a tweet from Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a U.S.-based advocate, who was born in Somalia and underwent Somalia’s severe form of the Islamic practice, dubbed FGM for Female Genital Mutilation. “Cutting girls genitals is a crime and must be prosecuted,” she added.


“Wait! What? Judge dismisses key charges in genital mutilation case,” said a tweet from Trump supporter Katrina Pierson: “I had no idea that we needed laws against #FGM in the United States.”


“Congress can regulate every aspect of your life but it can’t regulate FGM,” commented Dan Horowitz, the editor of Conservative Review and a determined critic of over-powerful courts. “Folks, we are done.”


The judge’s decision may end the Detroit trial unless it is reversed on appeal. The Muslim defendants cannot be charged in the state because the state’s anti-FGM law was passed after their arrest. State officials may charge the defendants with other crimes, such as sexual assault.


The Detroit Free Press reported:


“Oh my God, we won!,” declared Shannon Smith, [defendent Jumana] Nagarwala’s lawyer, who expects the government to appeal. “But we are confident we will win even if appealed.”


Smith has maintained all along that her client did not engage in FGM.


“Dr. Nagarwala is just a wonderful human being. She was always known as a doctor with an excellent reputation,” Smith said. “The whole community was shocked when this happened. She’s always been known to be a stellar doctor, mother, person.”


In the Detroit case, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala’s parents come from a Muslim community in Northern India. She earned her medical degree with American doctors at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1998, and she displays her allegiance by wearing an Islamic head-covering. In Detroit, she worked at the Henry Ford Medical Group.

Anonymous ID: dbc2a0 Nov. 20, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.3977540   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former MSU President Now Charged With Perjury As Pedophile Larry Nassar Fallout Continues


Dozens of child rape victims who spoke under the victim's rights act to the convicted serial child molester and former MSU doctor Larry Nassar and said that their efforts would now turn toward the others responsible for allowing this heinous activity to continue now that the disgraced doctor was imprisoned. The girls were not joking around, so far, the heads have continued to roll even months after the serial rapists sentencing.


Former MSU Gymnastics Coach Kathie Flages was the second person to be charged after Nassar himself. Flages was charged with lying to investigators resulting in a felony and a misdemeanor charge. The Attorney General's Office assured people that the charges were not the result of a "witch hunt" mentality. "Lying to a cop has nothing to do with politics – we charge crimes based on the actions of the accused, not the current political climate," he said.


Now, investigators have set their crosshairs on an even larger target as the fallout continues from the Nassar scandal. The Lansing police announced Ex-Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon,71, was charged Tuesday with lying to police during an investigation just like Flages.


The charges show that the investigators are truly seeking out those responsible for allowing the horrific acts to continue unabated for so many years no matter how high up the Universities food chain they are. Nassar worked with thousands of young girls during his years at Michigan State University where he worked as a sports medicine physician. He also was attending other private gyms performing what was thought to be "cutting edge" therapy on young girls.


Simon stepped down as President after the investigation initially got underway. Simon's spokeswoman Emily Guerrant is adamant that Simon remains on the Universities faculty but not as president. Guerrant also said Simon was taking an immediate leave of absence without pay "to focus on her legal situation."


The former MSU president is accused of making two false and misleading statements to investigators. One, that she was unaware of the nature of a sexual misconduct complain that stated the University's 2014 Title IX probe of Nassar and that she did not know Nassar was the sports medicine doctor who was under investigation. If convicted of both felonies and two misdemeanor counts, Simon could spend the rest of her life behind bars.


Simon is the fifth person to be criminally charged in the fallout of the worst serial rapist history has ever seen in Michigan, perhaps the whole country. Several others have been fired, and even sued in civil court. Nassar's victims number in the hundreds and he is currently serving multiple life sentences in prison.

Anonymous ID: dbc2a0 Nov. 20, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.3977832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7844 >>7992 >>8065

Special Prosecutor John Huber to Testify to House GOP on DOJ’s Probe of Clinton Foundation After Thanksgiving


John Huber, the Special Prosecutor tapped by Sessions will testify at a GOP-led Congressional hearing on December 5th on the DOJ’s probe of the Clinton Foundation.


Last month, Congressman Mark Meadows said he wanted Huber to appear before Congress to answer questions and give updates.


Rep. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan said they have not received any updates on Huber’s investigation.


Furthermore, according to Congressman Meadows, there is no evidence John Huber has done anything other than be appointed by Jeff Sessions.


The Hill reported:


Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said Tuesday that House Republicans plan to hear testimony on Dec. 5 from the prosecutor appointed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to probe alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation.


Meadows, who is chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations, told Hill.TV’s “Rising” that it’s time to “circle back” to U.S. Attorney General John Huber’s investigation with the Justice Department into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged any improper activities.


“Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th,” he told Hill.TV during an interview on Wednesday.


Meadow’s said the committee plans to delve into a number of Republicans concerns surrounding the foundation, including whether any tax-exempt proceeds for personal gain and whether the Foundation complied with IRS laws.


Last Fall, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Special Prosecutor John Huber to investigate whether the FBI and DOJ abused its power when it obtained FISA warrants on Carter Page and to look into the DOJ’s probe of the Clinton Foundation.


One year later and we have no clue what John Huber has been up to.


Congressman Meadows also told The Hill his committee is talking to potential whistleblowers who may have more information about the criminal activities surrounding the Clinton Foundation.


“We’re just now starting to work with a couple of whistleblowers that would indicate that there is a great probability, a significant improper activity that’s happening in and around the Clinton Foundation,” Meadows said.