Anonymous ID: 22d26d Jan. 11, 2019, 12:34 a.m. No.4707281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8443 >>9084

Continuing to build. I'll get to the symbols [soon] enough ;)





Remember when Q told us to, "Learn how to read the Map"? I know I may be taking this a bit too literally, but I've been studying Earth a lot via satellite images. Ruins were one thing that got me into it in the first place, but while I was scouring Earth, often I would come across some extremely bizarre features. I would think to myself, "Is this real? Or was this section of Earth cropped??". . .


Over time, I became more accustom to seeing such unusual features. Eventually, I stumbled upon the Electric Universe, which gave me a new perspective on what I was looking at. I was aware of the scar on Mars, but I never imagined that something of that magnitude could've taken place while Life was on Earth. Last July, while Q was on break, I spent a few days revisiting the old hobby of looking at satellite images.


At first, it was an innocent encounter. I was looking around the continent of Africa. I was used to finding those "stone circles", which some of you may have heard about. Then I found a patch of land with a bunch of wavy lines. it looked unusual, but I was used to seeing these strange features, often described as ancient sea beds. I can see why some would think that, due to the wavy pattern in the Earth. However, when I zoomed in the scale of the waves was incredibly large, and the parts without sand were solid rock.


Scrolling around in the region, I noticed an interesting features. It almost looks like a fish was scratched into the landscape. It also kind of reminds me of a solar flare in a way. Nearby, there was a patch of land with what looked like a bunch of positive and negative lightning strikes. These where pretty large features for an ordinary lightning strike. At first, I thought I found a tiny little section of Earth that had experienced some intense electrical scarring. It was when I started to zoom out to make note of the region that I began to see the scale of this. . .


It wasn't just one remote region. I began to see what looked like an extremely large current running through the ground, creating mountains, rivers and literally shaping the face of the Earth. I decided to scroll over to the Richat Crater, aka the "Eye of the Sahara". I noticed the same thing. I could follow the current in both directions. Across the Atlantic, over to the Amazon River. Then following back in the other direction, over to the Caspian Sea. I was staring at the scar of Poseidon's Trident.


For those of you who are familiar with the Primer Fields, the bowl shaped magnetic structure should jump out at you. On a smaller scale, you will also find a bowl shape feature near the base of the Appalachian Mountain range. This is not a coincidence. This is the result of some MAJOR [current] running through the ground. If you're not familiar with the Primer Fields, the basic structure also appears on one end of the "Squatter Man" Plasma discharge. You can also find this same feature in much larger galactic structures. This is the Electromagnetic Space Force in full effect!!