Anonymous ID: 0e066f Nov. 20, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.3980736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0789 >>0838 >>0876


Very Interesting!


Added to the list


>>3980019 (lb)

December 5th - This Day in History


1854 Aaron Allen of Boston patents folding theater chair (KEK - enjoy the show)

1941 Soviet anti-offensive in Moscow drives out Nazi army

1945 Five Grumman TBM Avenger torpedo bombers disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle

1946 US President Harry Truman creates Committee on Civil Rights by Exec Order

1955 Historic bus boycott begins in Montgomery Alabama by Rosa Parks

1969 Four-node ARPANET network is established

1973 Paul McCartney & Wings release album "Band on the Run" in the US

1975 NASA launches space vehicle S-196, it failed

1993 Astronauts begin repair of Hubble telescope in space

2008 O.J. Simpson is sentenced to 33 years in prison for kidnapping and armed robbery


AND, check this out. A bunch of nuclear tests conducted on the same day.


1969 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site

1981 France performs nuclear test

1982 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR

1985 Great Britain performs nuclear test

1988 Shuttle Atlantis launches world's 1st nuclear-war-fighting satellite

