Anonymous ID: 35b767 Nov. 20, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.3981591   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is Lindsey Graham the Enemy at the Front Door?

The last thing we want to happen is another Sessions style surprise that destroys the anon base once again. I know that Q put up a link pointing to Graham about taking Grassley’s Seat but… Q also said trust Sessions which we put to much expectation into. Let’s go back a few months before the No Name death.

1-Graham was not a supporter of POTUS and really was irrelevant.

2-At the No Name Funeral Huma Aberdeen came up to Graham, gave him a hug then whispered something to him and walked away. That day Q was also telling us there was a secret meeting that took place where cell phones were being kept outside the room but also said he could still see them. This meeting was to game plan what they were going to do.

3-From the Funeral on Lindsey Graham magically grew a set of balls and has been calling the Democrats out on all their bullshit. Most of us had taken it as No Name had dirt on him and now he was not being blackmailed anymore. This is still possible but let’s consider another angle which is what my concern is now. What if he is a Deep State Actor? Q has said multiple times “What makes a good movie? Good Actors.”. Think about Plot Twist. We just had a big plot twist with Sessions

4-After the Kavenaugh hearings Graham has become very popular with his hard republican stances that we are not use to seeing from him or other Republicans. He was all of a sudden a major News Headline Daily. Who controls the MSM and why would they make Graham look so good to the republican base?

5-With Grassley stepping down it has left the Senate Committee Seat open and Lindsey Graham has been getting a lot of attention to take the seat. Now think back to some recent Q post and you have been told that the Democrats we’re focused on the House because they are concerned with the investigations that have been going on there. Q is always saying these people are stupid but we all know they are aware of how the system works and they know they need the Senate control as well. If Graham gets the Committee Seat he now has control of what is voted on in the committee. If he is Deep State they now have the control of the Senate Committee.

6-Q posted the link to the article where Graham is being positioned for the Committee Seat. Was he letting us know that Graham is the person for the seat or letting us know to think about why the MSM is pushing the agenda? Looking back at some of Q's most recent post he said twice that the “Enemy is at the front door. My thought is this possibly means Graham.