Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.3981181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1189

>>3981139 lb


That was supposed to be "just before SHE climaxes"

It is my interpretation of the leaked email where she asks Huma to bring her favorite toy, and a hammer to a sacrifice.

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 9:57 p.m. No.3981270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1638 >>1743



The culmination of the Brzezinski-Rockefeller plan

Why Some Nations Are Warming to Technocracy


Pew asked 41,953 people earlier this year to judge if five forms of government – representative democracy, direct democracy, or rule by either experts, a strong leader or the military – would, in their opinion, be good for their country. More than three-quarters said they liked representative democracy and two-thirds praised direct voting; none of the other options won an overall majority in the 38 countries. That should be enough to satisfy a pro-democracy optimist. The data, however, are more complex.

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.3981335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1396 >>1474



She is pointing out that there is NO POINT in talking to Q on the board. The only way to contact Q is to write a letter to:


Q Group

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW,

Washington, DC 20500,


Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.3981368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1380



We now know how and where diamonds are formed. That's why diamond mines are deep in the earth.


But, in places where there was a lot of crustal upheaval

Like the young mountain ranges of Western North America

You can find stuff on the surface

That is normally only found deep within.


Normally you look for kimberlite pipes

Which look like almost circular lakes from a satellite photo

Due to the kimberlite being softer than surrounding rock.

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:10 p.m. No.3981407   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What fools those Democrats be.

If they succeed in painting the Crown Prince

As truly evil

All that will happen

Is Saudi will replace him

And POTUS plan for very close relations with Saudi

Will continue

Might even get CLOSER!!!

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.3981425   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Have you carefully checked out the route of the Q train, particularly in Manhattan.

Maybe you should, because you may find Q's secret lair.

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.3981477   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Are you STUPID or something?

The Google search engine is THAT way,

And the Dogpile search engine is OVER THERE


I don't have time to educate morons like you.

Try the local library

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.3981525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1535



The Words And Wisdom Of Howard Scott - Volumes 1-2-3


This volume represents the efforts of Section 3, Regional Division 8141, Technocracy Inc. to assemble the most complete collection of the spoken words and significant written material of Technocracy's Founder and Director-in-Chief, Howard Scott, as recorded by transcript, disc, wire, and tape.


Technocracy is the forerunner of the Trilateral Commission's plans to implement the New World Order


PDF is attached

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:26 p.m. No.3981535   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Might be interesting to compare the things that Howard Scott says, with the content of Mein Kampf, because Nazism was Europe's response to Communism and Technocracy was America's response to Communism.


Mein Kampf in English is attached.

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:30 p.m. No.3981564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1580


Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the phenomenology of the social world, as depicted by German phenomenologist Arthur


  1. Describe the phenomenology of each individual's personal self-world (Umwelt or Eigenwelt).

  2. Describe the phenomenology of the social world of contemporaries (Metwelt).

  3. Describe the phenomenology of the social world of predecessors and ancestors (Vorwelt).

  4. Describe the phenomenology of the social world of successors and progenitors (Folgewelt).

  5. Write an account one's intuitional impressions of the concepts of time Past, time Present, and time

Future and their past, present, and future aspects as they relate to the phenomenology of the social

worlds of Umwelt, Metwelt, Vorwelt, and Folgewelt.

  1. Define culture.

  2. Evaluate and judge the value of "The Western Creed" for depicting the prevailing beliefs of the

human cultural world in general, and of psychology in particular.

  1. Explain why the ideas, beliefs, and assumptions of "The Western Creed" are called a "Creed."

  2. Discuss the consequences of the Western Creed for the modern human cultural world.

  3. Explain why new metaphysical foundations of modern social psychology are needed and describe

what form some of these new epistemological and ontological assumptions might take.

  1. Describe transpersonal humanism and tell how it can facilitate the process of changing the human

cultural world for the better.

  1. Define practical idealism.

  2. Explain what can happen if one's idealism remains abstract and high-flying and not tied to any

practical methods for their actualization in the events of one's own private life.

  1. Identify the unfortunate belief that is the cause of most of the social and political troubles current

in the world today.

  1. Explain why the means or methods chosen must be worthy of the ideal end one hopes to achieve

in order to effectively humanize an inhumane world.

  1. Identify nine global, evolutionary crises that face our species today.

  2. Tell why today is a new and critical time in our history?

  3. Identify and discuss the fundamental reasons why our present global, evolutionary crises emerge.

  4. Describe what prevents us from eliminating most diseases, combat poverty and starvation, and

preventing pollution when we have all the knowledge, resources, capital, means and

technological know-how to do so.

  1. Describe the dominant worldview of technocratic-industrial societies toward Nature, and tell why

it is insufficient.

  1. Explain how technological-industrial worldview is carrying Darwin's concept of "survival of the

species" forward regardless of the consequences.

  1. Explain why the Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of the species' loss of identification

with nature.

  1. Describe how sciences have promoted the idea that in order to understand a reality we must

destroy it.

  1. Explain how in cutting ourselves off from Nature, we at the same time cut ourselves off from


  1. Identify and discuss the three lessons that the present global crises are intended to teach us.

  2. Tell why it is important that we address the problems dealing with the sacredness of the

individual, and the individual's relationship with other human beings and with all other forms of


Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.3981580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1583


  1. Describe the potential for consciousness evolution that the present global crises provide us as a


  1. Tell why it is important to acknowledge the spiritual and cosmic dimensions of life, mind, and

consciousness at this time in our history as a species.

  1. Identify and discuss five fundamental solutions that are required to solve our global crises.

  2. Tell why it is important to understand the psychological and social forces that led to the current

global evolutionary crises in the world today.

  1. Describe what a psychological equivalent of the "Manhattan Project" would involve.

  2. Describe a Self-realization and ecological "ethics" that guides behavior.

  3. Explain why it is important to solve the problems of our global crises in a balanced way

  4. Explain why the 14th Dali Lama asserts that we have no choice than to develop what he calls "a

sense of universal responsibility?"

  1. Identify and discuss ten emerging trends and promising human options that have great promise

for addressing the world global crises.

  1. Describe how the media and the Internet provide are vehicles for bringing transpersonal

awareness to many people in a shared manner.

  1. Explain how creative work and deep economies can address our global, evolutionary crises.

  2. Describe how the species' spiritual altruism, cooperative impulse, and capacities for compassion,

conscious love, and inner peace can help us address the current global crises that confront us


  1. Define transpersonal social psychology and identify four principles or assumptions that underlie

its approach to the social and cultural troubles current in our world today (e.g., overpopulation,

pollution, resource depletion, and environmental degradation).

  1. Explain why psychological and spiritual solutions, not technological ones, are needed to solve

global problems.

  1. Explain why individual transformation is a pre-requisite of social transformation.

  2. Distinguish two fundamental cultural attributes – collectivism and individualism.

  3. Describe how collectivism and individualism can significantly influence one's attitudes toward

the current global crises, the values that lead individuals to form particular views on a variety of

social problems, and social interaction in a wide variety of situations.

  1. Describe how cross-cultural psychology provides an important perspective from which to view

the "spiritual" nature of our global social and cultural crises.

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.3981583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  1. Describe how a social psychology that is transpersonal can help regain a lost perspective in

mainstream psychology to more adequately deal with the spiritual dimension of human social

experience and behavior.

  1. Explain why it is important to distinguish what one experiences about life and what one has been

told life is.

  1. Describe how one may discover the sacred in everyday life.

  2. Define voluntary simplicity and compare it to the techocratic-industrial worldview of modern

Western society.

  1. Describe the basic idea of a "transpersonal ecology."

  2. Tell how deep ecology is related to the themes of transpersonal social psychology.

  3. Identify what transpersonal social psychology has to offer the "deep ecology" movement.

  4. Describe how contemporary interest in things "spiritual" and global spiritual emergence are two

emerging trends that have great promise for addressing the world global crises.

  1. Describe how a shift in values toward service a greater reverence for life can help address current

global crises.

  1. Describe how ecology relates to humanity's religious sentiment.

  2. Describe how the world's religions align with the basic principles of deep ecology.

  3. Summarize the logical and empirical behavioral, physiological, and ethological evidence that

suggests the continuity of psychic life in human and nonhuman animals.

  1. Evaluate and judge the value of evidence for consciousness in animals and humans.

  2. Compare human and non-human animals' relationship with nature.

  3. Evaluate and judge the value of evidence for emotions in animals and humans.

  4. Evaluate and judge the value of evidence for cognition in animals and humans.

  5. Discuss the issue of free-will in human and non-human animals.

  6. Evaluate and judge the value of evidence for self-consciousness in animals and humans.

  7. Evaluate and judge the value of evidence for imagination in animals and humans.

  8. Evaluate and judge the evidence for continuity in the transpersonal nature of human and

nonhuman animals and the dignity of a spiritual life.

  1. Discuss the implication of the transpersonal nature of animals for the care and use of animals in


  1. Summarize the key ideas contained in the case study describing one individual's life-transforming

encounter with his Transpersonal Self which led to his discovery of the spiritual and cosmic

dimensions of the human psyche and its potential for consciousness evolution.


PDF attached is the 57 page chapter on this topic

Anonymous ID: 7eef8d Nov. 20, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.3981680   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The answer is YES!!!


Biochemicals such as RIBOSE and RNA are a byproduct of star system formation. After the first stars in the universe manufacture all the elements of the periodic table, and then explode, spraying out a gaseous cloud of all those elements, eventually clumps of molecules form, attracting more and more molecules. It is natural for a large mass at the center of a cloud of molecule clumps, to collapse into a star, or two, surrounded by a few smaller centers of mass as planets orbiting the central star, surrounded by a cluster of smaller clumps in less regular and more parabolic orbits.


Over time these irregular orbital objects or comets, crash into the planets, making them bigger. But while the comets, some of which are dirty snowballs, travel near the central stars, the heat and radiation causes biochemicals to form out of hydrocarbons. These end up in the soup on the planet surfaces.


Eventually, on many planets who are in the right zone, self-replicating molecules form and life, of a sort, begins. It is common in the universe. Anywhere there is an M class planet, this life will likely get to the stage of cell formation, and some type of multicellular organism.




There is only one way to see these lifeforms. Travel there in the dream, astrally projecting your consciousness to their distant homes.


Read the book StarMaker attached

For an account of someone who has visited these worlds.