Stop posting this its false. In order to even be in the knights of malta you have to be a fucking mason.
The knights of malta is on the right side second from the top
The knights of malta is masonic.
You can't say a mason is blaming the masons you fucking shithead.
I have argued with people about this. Catholics are basically the masonic church if you think about it. The jesuits are a red herring and also I don't belive anything about jesuits because its always brought up in a way for people to diminish masonic crime.
Yea they have a headquarters and its a secret society but it does not invalidate masonic crime.
I have read some pretty sick things when it comes to going to the lodges. One time someone wanted to join and was told to knock on the door to which a frantic anon responded to not do that because he would be dragged into a van and kidnapped.
I think there is a thing where there are bloodlines on top of that and the areas they control in society differ. The high masonic are influencers of media and coorperate things while jesuits control religion and part of politics like the SJW's. Jesuits sign their names with S.J so S,J,W's might be related
no clue. Its a degree in the scottish rite and they have a lot of costumes and such they probably dress up as jesuits in the ritual which is suspicious in itself.
Looking at that I am reminded that while the jesuits are at the top it still is the masons fault for taking the orders of the jesuits.
I think jesuitism is something that you are born into and not even aware of. For example there is a saying "give me a the first five years of a boys life and he will serve the jesuits for life" or something like that. Sounds like ritual abuse to be honest.
I also think they program through sodomy and whisper the name joseph in their ear and joseph is a trigger word or something.