I have been thinking hard about many of the things being reported in the alternative media over the past several days, "Operation Hot Musket," reports of the movement of large numbers of tanks, etc. For years I have followed the economic situation since I am retired and live on my savings and my investments as well as Social Security. I am very aware of what is going on in that field.
The fact is, the world economy is in a precarious state. The United States has used its position of its dollar being the World Reserve Currency to force its will on other countries, and those countries are sick of it. We have also used that position to run up an admitted national debt of more than 21 TRILLION dollars, and there are also over 20 TRILLION dollars unaccounted for by the budgets of the Defense Department and HHS. It is very likely that there will be an economic crisis like nothing the world has ever seen in the near future.
If such a crisis occurs, the credit system will freeze up. That means that stores, almost all of whom operate on credit, will not be able to restock goods. Shelves will soon empty. It also means that most banks may fail. It also means that Social Security and welfare checks will stop. SNAP cards will no longer work, so, even if people can find food at a store, those without ready cash will not be able to purchase it. This will lead to violent social unrest. The situation, especially in the cities will become horrific.
I wonder if we are seeing preparations for this eventuality. I wonder if the government realizes this collapse is imminent. I'm just putting this out there. I would like others opinions on it. I hope my ideas are wrong, but they do explain what we are seeing.