My take is that she was sending a cryptic message: "Don't use the burner phones for questions. They're just to be used for emergencies." Q called her out.
Browder skank is back in the news. Now we learn the ties between Christopher Steel, the State Department, and the dossier. “Explaining the backstory of the Magnitsky Act was the subject of the supposedly sinister Trump Tower meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, a meeting that was allowed to go forward as part of a plot to discredit Trump as a Russian agent.
Lee Stranahan has been banging his shoe on the table about this and his interview with Ukrainian whistleblower Andrii Telizhenko (follow the link to listen to a 20 minute excerpt) has the goods on the entire Russia-gate story being nothing more than an operation run by the Democrats to paint Donald Trump as a Russian agent.
To stop the U.S. cold in its weaponizing the dollar and the global financial system starts with discrediting the Magnitsky Act. If every politician that voted for their local version of this thing is forced to confront how badly they’ve been lied to by seeing Browder proven to be Magnitsky’s killer rather than his champion then the knives will come out pretty quick.
Because the one thing you can count on from politicians is their narcissism.
The big questions at this point are, “What does Trump know?” and “Does he even care?”
Because if he was given even part of the story by Putin at Helsinki then there may be a lot more here than we think. What I do know is that if Prokopchuk takes over Interpol, Browder should buddy up with Julian Assange because he won’t be leaving the U.K. anytime soon. They dissect the time line and the relationships with Christopher Steel, Jonathan Weiner at the State Department, the dossier, and the FISA documents.
Zerohedge readers respond: Fat Larry is definitely involved.
very interesting..
the article exposes ALL the names that perpetrated the embezzlement of US tax payers share of IMF money in collusion with the's and ..vichs. and makes the valid point that the MSM could have picked up this story and chose to collude with people like Larry Summers to cover it up.
how much? well that 4.5 billion was the cost to the IMF - but the theft of russian assets from its people via a "luncheon voucher" scheme representing shares that browder bought at 5 cents in the dollar - that should have gone to russian citizens - shows this as one of the most heinous crimes against ordinary people ever perpetrated.
imagine if the russians had done the same thing to US tax payers?
it would have provoked global conflict.
thanks for the link.
now.. does this all mean that a "special prosecutor" will be appointed to expose all the shenanigans - theft, embezzlement, murder, wire fraud, etc?
demoNrats must really hate the russians - and promote political tensions with russia - because they are projecting the very crimes they committed onto the victims - the russians.
divert, distract and obfuscate - filthy, dirty, money grubbing swamp swellers.
In addition to the link in the llama article on lying fat larry, I pulled this link which goes into more detail on browder's dirty involvement with safra and berezovsky's murder, beresovsky found hanging in his bathroom under very murky circcumstances:
Numerous people in the spot light for fraud and corruption these days. A sea change from previous years when the corruption was ignored.
Yep. Not sure what the D ec 5 means. Certainly, damning info continues to surface. I'm just trying to disseminate that info in an effort to counter Mockingbird talking points.
Christy Jones nails it.
We're looking south. I wonder who/what is coming in through Canada and our sea ports.
As good a theory as any, Anon. We'll have to wait to see.