>US Suspends $1.66Bln in Security Aid to Pakistan After Trump, Khan Twitter Row.
THIS → For a little (Context) ref. what POTUS & USA (Patriot)-Strategists are dealing with.
Pakistan recognized Moaist China early 1950, shortly after 1949 ChiCom takeover of Mainland China.
[CPEC] China–Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) is a collection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan. Originally valued at $46 billion, the value of CPEC projects is worth $62 billion as of 2017. CPEC is intended to rapidly modernize Pakistani infrastructure and strengthen its economy by the construction of modern transportation networks, numerous energy projects, and special economic zones.
(propakistani.pk - Oct 2018)
Pakistan to Buy 48 Drones from China in ‘Largest Arms Deal’ of Its Kind.
Pakistan is reportedly buying 48 drones from its all-weather friend China, in a deal that’s said to be the largest of its kind.
The Geopolitical Reality → Lots of Really Big Moves; have & continue to be made.
1: Understanding your adversary.
2: Studying his moves → Overt & Covert.
3: Moves & Counter-Moves
Starting in 2015:
I watched & listened to DJT carefully.
Never paid him much attention before. I was busy working & living.
But I saw & heard what I'd been saying & thinking for years.
So I was "all-in" w/ him → Then Q came along.
I watched & listened again. Lurked & processed the "Hints", the train-of-though & "The Map" being formed.
BINGO → I've lived thru much of this (Geopolitical 'Great Game').
Sometimes on the Front Lines, Sometimes from the sidelines.
That's why I post here → To contribute in a Positive Way.