I don't go out in public much so forgive me if this was covered already.
The Predator (2018) movie.
I just watched it and it was "meh".
I couldn't help but notice some parallels with Q and cabal habbenings.
1) BAD Predators see us killing our planet and inadvertently warming it to make it more like their homeworld. They decide to help.
2) BAD Predators see us as cattle and something to be genetically manipulated and bent to their will.
3) BAD Predators see Autistic people as the next step in human evolution because of cabal and their fuckery and wish to incorporate the trait into their hybrids.
4) GOOD Predators came here to save us from the BAD ones and give a weapon that only the Autist in the movie figures out.
>We came here for a specific reason.
>Autists engaged?
So, ayylmao, with help from the cabal, here to kill us off and terraform to suit them?
What if GOOD ayylmao is an AI named Q?
What if the weapon we are given is Autism and only now is Q showing us its use?
I swear, you just can't make this shit up!