if there not arrested before the house meeting there is no justice coming, House meetings are just a circus to give the impression of oversight, if she doesn't show,[Like RR did not] it will be more of the same, [nothing] then if Q team wants to use the senate next year to try and fix it/bring people to justice and what not great, but its been denied so long now Fuck it I mean lets just move on with trying to fix shit other then broadcast this circus another year, I think BLACK FRIDAY is the day tho, Gov goes away on 12/7/18 for good, the way we know it, >>3984264
it needs to all go away, just leave us the fuck alone
its a head fake black friday has always been the day, I just know
I don't know that any crimes were committed? if we don't get evidence or arrests logic would dictate Trump is just like the rest of them and we were played, you like your doctor, keep your doctor, but he has the scapegoat of not having it used against him later
yes if you notice the info sneaks out early, then by about an hour after the talking points are dropped some are not repeated, you will get a endless loop on one or 2 topics,
well when the big crash comes on Black Friday, KEK, the norms will not care at all ZERO panic, they have been tempered even if the market lost 1500 points, the average norm would be like MUH it will go back up, [our dollar is strong as fuck so its going to drop big time, but its all just perception,