"One human rights group estimates nearly 700 journalists have been killed in Syria. Khashoggi's death deserves to be taken seriously, but so do the deaths of all journalists murdered in the Middle East."
Proof of the selective outrage we're seeing from MSM/Democrats/RINOs over Khashoggi's death!
They could care less about "journalists being murdered"!
Khashoggi's death has been a set up from day one!
Clowns don't like POTUS/MBS being so close/working together.
Turkey having the "evidence" is fishy af from the start.
Surely, SA is smarter than to kill someone the way this is being "reported"!
SA didn't know Turkey was apparently tapping their security cameras or had their consulate bugged?
More questions than answers but if Democrats/MSM AND that POS Brennan, are pushing this "muh Khashoggi" narrative, bet your ass they have an agenda other than a "dead journalist"!