Anonymous ID: a3f546 Nov. 21, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.3985788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just a reminder


A book issued by “Ben Rhodes” adviser to former US President Barack Obama for national security secrets about the establishment of state organization, calling the terrorist and the relationship, “Nuri al-Maliki” and the role of Iran and its customers ..


The book, entitled “The World as It is”, said that “Nuri al-Maliki” was the one who gave the order to open the prisons so that the agents of Al-Qaeda could escape, who were assigned the task of establishing a “terrorist organization.” He also ordered the army to withdraw from Mosul deliberately, Which is worth more than $ 20 billion.


The book adds that al-Maliki deliberately keep large sums of up to $ 600 million in the branch of the Central Bank in Mosul, and thus contributed to the introduction of 600 elements of the organization to Mosul in 2014, and provided them with the necessary funds and equipment, to begin the series of organization, and move As the Tehran rulers would like, “according to Rhodes.


“Rhodes” that Obama was aware that Iran is stirring up “advocacy organization” and turned a blind eye to it; because he wanted to conclude his covenant with an agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and for this purpose was willing to pay any price.,15700002,15700023,15700124,15700149,15700186,15700190,15700201&usg=ALkJrhirb6nygghmvtyNSpjLo3csDDnA9g