Anonymous ID: c9ba3c Nov. 21, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.3985911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5943 >>6400 >>6510

The cabal have been running a coordinated mass blackout drill exercise. They phased it to prevent suspicion, but social networks, telecoms and iTunes consecutively tested. When the big stuff hits, they will flip the disconnect switch to shield them from exposure.

Anonymous ID: c9ba3c Nov. 21, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.3986410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As expected, Mueller’s questions to Trump had plenty to do with the “Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting” angle that Michael Cohen gave us. Rudy told Axios this information.


Also Trump was asked about Russian hacks stuff. My guess is this will go to whatever information comes out regarding Roger Stone, Corsi and Assange.


As I’ve said recently in comments here, the “Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting” issue is the only one that concerns me with Mueller. Because two of the supposed ‘witnesses’ to Don Jr allegedly telling others that Trump did know about the meeting were Gates and Manafort, both of whom are cooperating with Mueller now. Which means they can simply fabricate a story (for a reduced sentence) that Trump did know about the meeting and then Trump and Jr and Jared could be in legal trouble.


Of course, if Trump merely answers questions on the topic in the form of “I don’t recall,” then he should be able to remove himself from legal jeopardy. However, if Gates or Manafort ‘flips’ on the Trump knew about the meeting tale then Don Jr and Jared would still likely be in trouble because of their apparent testimony to Congress which reportedly stated that Trump did not know.


Four other things from today.


  1. Trump was playing golf with Jack Nicklaus in Florida today.


  1. The left is gleeful because Justice Roberts “rebuked” Trump regarding Trump’s comments about an “Obama judge.”


  1. Cindy McCain told the BBC she can’t forgive Trump for mocking her husband.


  1. Obama said he would have won had he run for a third term.


Happy Nicklaus is hanging out with Trump. Justice Roberts should have just refused comment (asked by the AP, I think). Cindy McCain is a sad lady. Obama is delusional.