These fires are caused from DEWs and further the company PG&E were in the vicinity according to one local for two weeks prior to the fires doing odd things in and around the Neighborhood. There is also a lot of talk that the fire fighters complained of the water in the fire hydrants were turned off for several hours when they were starting to fight fires on neighboring homes.
There is also footage of homes burning from their $mart Meters that is where the fire starts. Someone claimed they chem trail the sky’s two days before then amp up the cell towers to 5G the highest they will go then use the Direct Energy Weapons to amplify it all and the $mart Meters are also turned up to burn the homes of individuals. With the chem trails and Haarp together they can control wind and they can make those “firenados”. Everything is burned to the ground completely except plastic like recycling bins because plastic is microwave proof. Trees are spared it’s beyong unbelievable people still think it’s a natural fire. So evil to the very core.