Anonymous ID: 69e2c0 Nov. 21, 2018, 2:14 p.m. No.3987571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7605

>>3987296 (pb)

>When Iran gets denuked, Israel gets nuked too :)

That's what MAD is…and Israel does NOT like losing the upper hand. Can you imagine the fucking JIDF on here trying to figure out how to shut us up, and quite possibly getting red pilled? They can't shut us up. censor us or get our private information to attack us with…(unless this board is comp'd by jews like the donald or /pol/…and trust me, TD is comped the fuck out of this world. It's so bad now there is NO discussion at all, just bants and memes…but say a fucking word about Israel that is even remotely critical…BAN HAMMER….


don't shit the bread folks…don't shit the bread.

Anonymous ID: 69e2c0 Nov. 21, 2018, 2:19 p.m. No.3987629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7645 >>7647 >>7803


>Wrong Justice Roberts…



HE IS COMP'd! HUGE…he has two illegally adopted Irish children. FACT Irish children are NOT permitted to be adopted out of Ireland. His illegal adoptions took place "south of the border".


This is how Obama got him to vote yes on Obama care. That's why he looked so upset that day. But that isn't the only time his illegal adoptions were used to blackmail him.


Nikki Haley (gov of SC) was part of an illegal adoption scam of two of her uber wealthy constituents. They illegally adopted a Native American child right out from underneath her father using all sorts of vile trickery AND paying off the mother. Guess how Roberts voted on this case?


That's right, for the rich illegal adoptees. I have the sauce if anyone doesn't believe me…but it's been posted on here re-corrupt Haley and in noteables a few times. Haley is corrupt as fuck…and so is Roberts. He's done something illegal and it's made him the puppet of the masters.