Curse of Criminalism
The Luciferian German Fascistllluminati
Criminal Revolution
Conspiracy to Control the World
By means of
A global coup d'etat by instalments
Christopher Story (pen name - real name Edward Harle)
YouTube Video: https://
…. wrote before his recent death that George Bush Senior, Barak Obama and other members of the criminal Washington D.C. establishment had ordered him killed. Story was poisoned during a March, 2010 visit to the US with a virus created by the Fort Meade biological warfare facility. Although Story is now dead, his sources will continue to provide the public with vital information about the secret financial war that is now raging towards its conclusion. The murder of Story will not go un-avenged, according to several sources inside the U.S. and UK military-industrial complex.
THE NEW UNDERWORLD ORDER is a world in which official criminality, driven by
bribery and corruption, is the norm among all layers of governance. At the vast
intergovernmental level, the Rule of Law does not apply - a state of affairs which is
exploited to the full under cover of a facade of hypocritical official rectitude. But at the
country level, it is ruthlessly relied upon by corrupt intelligence cadres when it suits their
interests - and equally ruthlessly flouted by operatives and officials most of the time, on the
cynical basis that 'everyone is doing it'. In particular, 'everyone' is engaged in perpetrating
crimes against humanity - in the form of drug-trafficking operations, which are controlled
by the competing and simultaneously collaborating intelligence services of the Great
Powers in order to finance their corrupt operations, and to sustain the corrosive and
subversive global hegemony activities of the llluminati, of which intelligence communities
form, wittingly or unwittingly, the backbone, as they consist essentially of esoteric secret
societies. This study, then, is about the rampant global corruption in high places arising
from the free-wheeling, unrestrained abominations of the system of synarchy - rule by
secret societies.
Although focused mainly on the United States and Britain, the Author addresses the
consequences of official criminalism worldwide - showing that it flourishes in surprising
places, such as the Vatican. He begins by exposing the lie that greets all who enter the
Langley headquarters of the CIA; shows how the perverse influence of the occultic secret
societies at Yale University has successfully institutionalised poisonously reprobate
attitudes and mentalities-originating in Germany-from generation to generation, infecting
cadres at the highest levels and influencing the whole of society for the worse; and
identifies the links between the Yale synarchy system and the drug trade, which is the
primary financing source for the llluminati.
In Chapter 4, The Hex of Himmler, the Author shows how the same perverse German
influence has corrupted the CIA - and follows this with a documented expose of German
Freemasonry (The House of Lucifer). Chapter 6, which is entitled The Angels of Light,
shows how the Evil One resides within, and controls, prominent 'religious' organisations,
alienating billions from the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Chapter 7 - The Synagogue of Satan - exposes the llluminati from historical
documents, and paves the way for the Author's detailed analysis of The Thousand-Year
Reich, which German secret 'Black' intelligence, based at Dachau, near Munich, is building
on what it considers to represent 'the ruins of the United States'.
Accordingly, the identity of our continuing common enemy is clearly revealed. ■