I think like this all the time.
IE Color quantum field
In multi dimensional thinking
This morning i had a pot head type thought actually - when totally sober.
After studying the proton and all the activity and fields in the proton and thus the neutron. They would make a very elegant way (in a fractal manner) to hold all the timelines and possibilities. If all the subatomic particles can be related to non sub atomic ones mathematically it would make a very elegant way to organize any and every timeline and option in our reality.
It appears that the quarks have a color energy field and has both a color and anti color in each quark. But collapse into a proton with mass and charge the color must balance into three axis Red/Green/Blue. My bet is that this symmetry breaking is at the perimeter of the proton and will always follow the symmetrical wave pattern of a 6 dimensional axis. Like the orbit of the electron has a pattern where there are only some places the electron can be particle – this will hold true of quarks as well. I think the unpaired quarks, two up and one down are still actually paired but across a dimensional event horizon – thusly we cannot measure the anti-quarks folded on the perimeter – dimensional event horizon
Basically, there is a three/six axis energy field for the quark/gluon named color with no charge, no mass and mostly not understood. Light/Photon has two axis electro and magnetic. Let’s say the red quark moves in the orbit of the red/anti-red quantum wave potential and only can “un-pair” and collapse into physical when matched on the perimeter of the circle/dimension event horizon. The same will be for the green and blue quarks. The orbital pattern of the quark/gluon will retain this geometric symmetry. Note the pattern is the great circle of the perimeter if the entire pattern is not spun around the Y,X, Z or other axis.
You are probably right - I just want to be able to get people to understand that the 3D world they think is all there is is just a small part of the pattern - even physics is stuck in 4D mostly.
and i owe all the Telsa aether guys and apology
It is just called the Higgs field.
So we have:
EM field pretty well defined
Color Field - seems related to strong Nuclear force
Higgs Field - seems to be related to Mass and Gravity
_ Field - that will be related to weak nuclear force.
So the way I picture it is that the Higgs Field is the surface tension on the bubble of 4D reality.
And the forces that have not collapsed into a 'real' are all inside part of the quantum wave potential within the bubble.
Remember Anon I am researching the data we have collected from measurements from the outside - from the surface of the bubble.
Yes I do believe it is all unified into one pattern with symmetry breaking to be the different forces and fields we perceive in our reality
Higgs Field
i will teach you damnit!
This is all about energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mass is 1/10 actual mass all energy!
but get the basics!!!!
I am not saying CERN is a good idea it is like studying the iron filings to figure out the field.
And if the proton and neutron is the storage of timelines - that could be a problem.
A star is a mass object that probably sends energy not just into our 4D but also across dimensions because of an event horizon no matter how small.
I not say yea or no
I can say is that anything that can affect dimensions beyond the ones we perceive should qualify. Any nuclear or fusion reaction definitely qualifies.
But I am inclined at the moment every proton and neutron may qualify have not figured it out yet.
So if every proton and neutron in our world is actually a sun, or event horizon event?
Would that change our world?
this one is kinda boring and repetitive.
Quarks color and etc.
Actually Anons physicists can't figure out the 3 polar color field with no charge or mass - it is up to us.
Remember all the fields are symmetry broken to be the 4 physicists see - we can do it!
smile - you are right
they just chose a word to define the field
it is just an energy field they had no idea how it worked so they just had to name it something.
What they do know is there is 3 options to the field.
It takes two to make a quark or gluon and they have to be opposite true and anti
It takes three true of different options to create a physical manifestation like a proton or neutron.