Anonymous ID: 682b41 Nov. 21, 2018, 6:34 p.m. No.3990399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0407 >>0440 >>0447 >>0454 >>0466 >>0470 >>0473 >>0499 >>0509 >>0585 >>0617 >>0647 >>0712 >>0738 >>0878 >>0893 >>0952 >>1006 >>1037 >>1135

Do any Anons know if the bottom of the rabbit hole has been reached and if so, where I could find a summary? Please, no "lurk moar," or "re-read crumbs" responses. Not looking for pity, but don't know how much longer my worn-out body can hang on. Got a letter from the government's Rare Diseases/Disorders department several years ago. Have two rare autoimmune disorders which make it extremely difficult to stay awake, meaning I try to read all the breads, but miss so much. How ironic the gov sends me a letter, when it is the cabal-infested gov that caused these problems.


Also, is anyone experiencing "time stutters/shifts?" It happens to me quite often and now my daughter is receiving phone calls from me that I did NOT make. There's no record on her phone that a call from me was even made, nor received. Said it was def me speaking and she thought I'd died and was trying to speak to her from beyond. Really scared her. I sure hope other Anons are experiencing something similar b/c I'd hate to think I was going crazy on top of all the other medical issues.


Not meaning to slide, but would sure like to know as much truth as possible before passing. I love all you Anons!!!