Trump should call out Roberts for FISA management neglect. He should resign after DECLAS.
>>3991190 But a movie is not reality, it's a story like a novel.
But he still knows how to get free cash. I've seen reports that RED gives very little to worthy causes.
algore put global warming in a kind of lockbox.
What a load of crap.
Punchy angry.
Smithers, Unleash the hounds.
/They/ do seem terrified of Whitaker.
Trump needs a win on this issue. Maybe from SCOTUS.
That's a good question. They were, however, confirmed by the Senate.
Yet another good reason for legalization.
Soetero looks really whacked these days. He should have fucking disappeared 1/20/17. Arrogant dumbass will get himself hanged.
Agree that is critical. These demoncrat crooks and their fucking dumbass supporters need to be completely exposed.
You dont know the answer to this complicated legal question. Stick with arguing your parking tickets.
*She also looks like a dude.
She's a New England Mayflower type and likely boring af.
She'll get her 2-year restraining order, and the bruises and welts will get Avenatti a conviction and disbarred or suspended at bare minimum.
As a little kid, The Avengers was way over my head, but I still watched it. Never had a clue what was going on, but I liked Emma and Steed, they were coolio.
Soetero has zero skills, he's a puppet with no actual accomplishments.
Trump should put MB Salman in as FBI Director. Confessions will be ready next week.