>>3991116 (lb)
You obviously have never been in Manhattan LMAO.
>>3991116 (lb)
You obviously have never been in Manhattan LMAO.
nah just some folks in here trying to convince us that the planes that hit on 911 where holograms. My ribs hurt.
how is not believing the hologram theory make me a traitor. fuck do I need to smoke crack to be on your level or what?
I totally agree. Most pilots admit they couldnt hit the towers. So I am with you there. They were likely radio controlled. or computer controlled.
Not aluminum. Cast aluminum.
Here is a photo taken after a tornado.
Mass X Velocity = Momentum
LMAO. now im a jew.
You flat earthers are entertaining. Ill give ya that.
course it aint flat earther.
that tends to happen when explosives go off. heres a couple other building that were professionally collapsed.
well here is a fireman that must have been part of the whole no plane theory. He must have put a hologram in his video camera.
But what about the sound of the plane. Wonder how he faked that?
Well if you dont like this board lemme help you. Hit the ALT and the F4 keys at the same time and your woes will be gone.
Certainly hope not. that bitch looks like freddys sister.
Your mom gets pounded alot doesn't she.
Yea slaves get a flu shot. Because this ugly creature told you too.
I notice she doesn't mention herself getting one.