Anonymous ID: 9dfc3b Nov. 21, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.3992937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3022

>>3992244 (PB)



Warning: textanon freestyling. My theory on Teresa May and the Brexit.


Q said she was neutralized but that was evidently disinfo. The cabal has Teresa May tightly in its grip. It seems clear to me that she has been told that if she doesn't screw up the Brexit then she WILL be killed. She's not even trying to hide it anymore. The Brexit deals she's been proposing are so blatantly preposterous that she's obviously a very desperate person in survival mode now. If my theory is correct, then May's behavior makes perfect sense. She's a cabal operative and she was not offered a deal, and there's nowhere for her to go. She will sabotage the Brexit. The attempt on her life was a warning that if she doesn't deliver they're going to kill her. What would you do if you were in her situation? A better question is: why do you think that a dumbass like her was put in the prime minister gig? An even more interesting question: if you were a selfish, older, childless person would you really care about what happens to the world after you are dead and gone? Think about why it is that so many of the cabal heads of state in Europe are middle aged or older people who don't have any children.


UKanons are freaked out, but Q's non-follow up on May means that she's not really of interest to them anymore. May is just an errand girl for the cabal. After she hands them the UK in the screwed up Brexit deal they're probably going to kill her anyway. She might get to live longer if she resigns and quietly disappears. The real target is Angela Merkel. She is the one that Q keeps mentioning in his posts. She is the one with the mysterious background that we still haven't yet really figured out. She is the one who invited in the hordes into Europe to set the UN's white genocide plan in motion. Merkel, not May, is the one that Q again recently told us to focus on. ("Think Merkel"). She is no coincidence.


May is no longer relevant because her task is to keep the UK in the EU, and the EU is headed into break-up and oblivion. Follow the logic…if there is no EU then there is no need for a Brexit or any other nation state exit. If anons are paying attention it is clear that the EU doesn't have much further to go. German hegemony in Europe will have failed yet again—and hopefully, for the last time. Germany…Merkel; Germany…Merkel….Macron; Germany…Merkel…the EU; Germany…Merkel…UN migration pact….notice that in pretty much all of the cabal/UN/Clown agenda in Europe she is the focal point that's driving it all. Just one day ago, a well-known world leader made the most passionate defense of the UN's Migration Pact….you have one guess which world leader it was. Here is a hint: it was Merkel.


Merkel has given Juckner his marching orders on how to handle Teresa May. So, Britanons, brace yourselves for that incoming. But it will be a bitter-sweet victory for the Remainers in the UK. Watch what happens to the EU over Iran. They're going to piss off POTUS and he's going to put his foot on their necks. That is where the end of the EU really begins.


I doubt there's anything more that we're going to find by digging on Merkel. We already did that extensively a while back. I still don't believe that we ever did find out the specific details about her past that Q was hinting at, but her role in all of this is symbolic. The cabal chose her for this role because of the connection to someone in her bloodline from the distant past. Many of us theorized that this might have been Hitler due to the Q posts. But that is still unclear. The internet has been scrubbed of much of the available information about her past. What's out there now is propaganda that the Stasi left behind. "Down she goes" may very well apply to Merkel. Most anons don't talk about this, but let us not forget that she recently resigned as head of the CDU. She is supposed to be the Chancellor until 2021, but Q has already suggested that she will not last in power for much longer so I doubt that she will remain as Chancellor until then.


Sadly, by the time this is all over much of Europe will be very, very damaged. But that will turn out to be a catalyst for change—which will be a good thing for Europeans. The good news is that there is hope for better. The cabal had planned to destroy Europe and to erase its white population completely. But Europe has been through this kind of shit and worse before. The continent and its cultures will survive. They always do.