should be making these go viral…
I assume only female illegal aliens are to blame for suppression wages and falling tax revenues? Who works in construction? Mostly illegal males that work under the table. Next question is why aren't the men running those companies punished by law? Dont forget, some women get widowed e.g Vetwives)- have kids and are not pretty and trim or young of with massive insurance of wealth. Why fuck them over because no one will marry her and adopt her kids? If you dont provide decent opportunities for these women they end up on the dole.
here here…victim of offshoring here. Thank you AT&T for involuntary lay off just 2.4 years shy of the 2 year bump. Clever cheap bastards. Love how the muslim contractor was in the wings for my job. many thanks to my muslim co workers and muslim boss. I was the last USA born, white, christian in my tech group.