Happy Thanksgiving Anons!
This is our 2nd Thanksgiving together… I do not post much but have been here every day harvesting the notables to post in the dozen or so redpilling groups I moderate across other social media platforms. I am grateful for every one of you faggots who help me look smarter than I could ever hope to be. We have awakened, THOUSANDS of people… and we encourage seeking truth and applying critical thinking as opposed to consuming the latest Q decoder puke on jewtube.
I hope you all take time to enjoy this day with your families and loved ones. Pray for a hedge of protection around POTUS and family… and shelter from the storm for ourguys in harms way.
Remember the fallen including our beloved Commander in Chief JFK. With God as my witness, I pray Justice finds his killers.
Remember the children who the world has forgotten. Remember why we are here at THIS time on THIS journey!
I am reminded of what Paul said about team building… From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Eph 4-16)
God Bless You All!