Anonymous ID: 961df7 Suggestion for A Little Help from POTUS's Frens Nov. 22, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.3995042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3993188 (pb)



It would seem that it's absolutely crucial that the current senate confirm as many of these executive and judicial nominees as is humanly possible BEFORE the current congress adjourns for the year.


Executing a massive PLAN can't be easy when all the players are in place, but when a couple hundred are missing, well . . . you get the picture.


At least 200 Presidential appointments are still waiting senate approval. According the the legislative calendar, the senate only has three weeks of work days remaining this year: The last full week of November and the first two in December. (

That's not much time, especially in senate work weeks. Mitch McConnell has the power to push at least some of these appointments through, including the one for a Court of Appeals and the 31 U.SDistrict Court nominations already referred by the Judicial Committee ( )


COULD POTUS USE A LITTLE HELP FROM HIS FRIENDS? If you want to, send help in the form of contact to your senator and to McConnell. Urge them to get multiple confirmations done before they recess for the year on Dec. 14! This needs to be a priority, even if it means that they put in a few extra hours on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE who sent them to Washington to work for us.

Contact info for Senators:

Mitch McConnell’s contact info: McConnell, Mitch - (R - KY) - ADDRESS: 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 ~ PHONE: (202) 224-2541 ~ EMAIL: