I can guarantee you American food is poisoned
I just came across a discussion on social media, where clear points about how America's food is poisoned were made. Here are some points:
Junk food - In foreign countries, you can eat all the junk food you want and you won't feel like crap. In Mexico, you can eat all the junk food you want and be OK as long as it is not an American brand. Other people in other parts of the world have noticed, and are questioning why one single serve junk food item in America makes you feel horrible. After all, there's no such thing as "junk food" in reality, potato chips are potatoes and oil, (same as fried potatoes) corn chips and tortilla chips are just corn, - the junk foods are normal food prepared in an instant-eat form and there's no reason for it to wreck your health unless it is indeed intentionally packed full of CRAP. And in America, it definitely is, I'll get sick for 3 days off a small serving of any American junk food but if I get a Mexican brand nothing bad happens at all.
Chicken - People are complaining that in America for the last couple years chicken has tasted like glue or has a nasty smell that is not a spoiled smell, it is a different nasty, and the texture is horrible. My comment on this is that other than the crazy huge chicken legs one of the store chains here sells, where something is obviously not right, the chicken is all excellent and even the strange "chicken not so little" is miles ahead of the chicken in the U.S. - Why?
I have a great example I have wanted to mention for a while:
I bought a container of Betty Crocker frosting in Mex, consumed about 7 ounces of it, and gained five pounds. I isolated the problem down to the Betty Crocker frosting. It is impossible to gain five pounds from seven ounces of anything, pure fat has about 3, 000 calories per pound, and there are no foods that have significantly more than that. There was no way that frosting could have caused such a weight gain all by itself unless it was chemically rigged to cause cells to fake obesity by forcing the body to hold too much water. And too much water that way can cause many health problems.
So I did an experiment. The weight went on across two days after eating the frosting. I predicted that if I did not touch any more of that frosting, that in a few days my weight would suddenly drop while I continued eating normally. It took 5 or 6 days and suddenly I did not need to drink any water and did nothing but pee until that five pounds was gone, ALL OF IT. Clearly, the frosting was sabotaged.
My guess is that many Americans who look fat are not really fat. My guess is that if they find a way to avoid the toxic crap, (by eating only eggs or whatever for a while) if they can hold out for a week or so, they will deflate like they backed over a tire ripper. There is no question whatsoever that American food is sabotaged, it is an act of war and the FDA is complicit. The FDA HAS TO BE COMPLICIT.
They want Americans sick and fat shamed, blaming all the health problems on themselves while the same people who wrecked the food rake in billions on medical care that would never be spent if Americans were eating from a clean food supply to begin with. And they will sit there and laugh, calling Americans fatsos when they caused it all to begin with. That's what evil is, mind control is, and destroying a nation is - and in my case, Betty Crocker PROVED IT.