Anonymous ID: dc4a4a Nov. 22, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.3996554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6569 >>6859 >>6917 >>7073

Stop The Zionist Cabal Mind Warp Tricks



This is the most powerful weapon they use against Americans if we so much as dare to speak about (((their))) Organized Criminal activity, especially if you show Evidence. If accused of this NPC groupthink "horrible" label, it could cost you your career, your friends. Such is its power which they smugly deploy like a Gatling gun against PC American Goyim cowering in fear, walking on eggshells. Afraid to use the words Jews and Crimes in the same sentence. ooooh "anti-Semitic".


Zionists Successfully Negating our First Amendment

Censorship of the Truth about Khazarian Zionist Organized Crimes from their private OWNERSHIP of our Federal Reserve Bank money system to their paid puppet Israel-first US Senators betraying the American people…. and now they're ramping up to make it Illegal to criticize Israel. That's Power, my Frens.


(((They))) have used this bullshit term "anti-Semitic" to make most Americans cower in fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic", for (((they))) will get you fired from your job because (((they))) own your company or most of the Corporate stock.


(((they))) have American politicians, Hollywood whores, (((their))) wholly owned 24/7 MSM megalith all screaming Loudly - brainwashing America that any TRUTH you reveal about (((their))) egregious Crimes against Humanity will get you in big trouble = "anti-Semitic".


Slick Manipulation

Every few years, Hollywood trots out a movie about the Holocaust, which Always gets an Oscar Award because Holocaust. Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, Life Is Beautiful, The Pianist, Inglorious Basterds, etc. etc. This is calculated to sanctify their Victimhood, which means that even if you were never a guard at Auschwitz, nor even German, if you dare to call out any crime committed by any member of the Zionist Cabal - you're the same as Hitler. yeah same, you "anti-Semite"!


*Patriots, Anons, Frens - we need to NPC the shit out of their best weapon against us: the term "anti-Semitic". Let's brainstorm and cut the power out of their manufactured "taboo" of speaking Truth to Power about their parasitic damage to We the People.


***We need to make the term "anti-Semitic" the laughing stock NPC phrase of the World !!! Remember [their] Panic and massive censoring of the NPC hilarity. Neutering their bullshit works! This term is our new "deplorables".


Let's Mirror (((their))) most successful bullying weapon against Christians and Patriots, "anti-Semitic" into (((their))) personal NPC nightmare! Let's pull the guts out of this weasel term and turn it into a limp noodle! Especially now that their Zionist Shills are using "anti-Semitic" to smear the Qanon Movement. Look how they are Spamming this board with the False Gaslight that showing Evidence of Zionist Cabal Crimes against Americans somehow "divides" us is obviously made by an [Israeli Shill]… when the Truth UNITES Us! These JIDF Israeli Shills forget that we Americans are NOT Israeli. We are America First, not Israeli First so there is no "division" in educating Americans about who our Enemies are.


"anti-Semitic" label suppresses Truth - Let's KILL this bullshit term


"anti-Semitic" = NPC Zionist Shill

NPC Zionist Shill = "anti-Semitic"*


A white person can be fired for calling a black person "nigger". Imagine the day when a Jew can be fired for calling you "anti-Semitic".


Imagine if Americans did not cower and self-censor for fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic" and turned it back on (((them))) so that they wouldn't dare to call Truth tellers "anti-Semitic" ever again. nor discredit the Q Movement as they are now desperately attempting to prevent the asleep masses from finding out the Truth about Zionist Crimes against America.

Anonymous ID: dc4a4a Nov. 22, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.3996576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6614 >>6859 >>7221

Criticism of Israel is Illegal in South Carolina


The South Carolina Senate has recently passed legislation that changes the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of Israel.(April 2018)


(((they))) are aggressively Censoring Americans - think how Vicious this is against Americans, and how deeply corrupt our politicians really are. They are now attempting to pass this in Congress, 45 corrupt Senate traitors.



Once the Cabal mass arrests start habbening, and the Truth about

Who Did 9/11

is Officially revealed to the World Watching, this anti-American outrageous law in So. Carolina will be thrown down the toilet where it belongs. The Zionist Cabal Traitors will be executed.



Anonymous ID: dc4a4a Nov. 22, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.3996619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6859

The JIDF Zionist Instruction Manual 101


Welcome,everybody. Your Online Goal:

  1. Suppress All Truth About Zionist Organized Crimes Against Americans.

  2. Attack & Ridicule All Anons Who Show Any Evidence of Zionist Crimes Against Americans.



  1. Call any Anon who shows the Truth "bots" or "shills" - "muhjoo shill", "MuhJew shill", "all Jews all the time", "copypasta Spam bot", "glowing", "nazi", "division shill".

  2. Tell them Trump loves Israel, or is "Committed to Israel".

  3. Insinuate that Jared Kushner "is destroying cabal".

  4. Show them a survey that most Israelis have a "favorable opinion" of America.

**NEVER mention the $38 BILLION DOLLARS that US Taxpayers give Israel over the next 10 years.

  1. Ridicule Anons who seem to be effective in reaching more people with the Truth about Organized Zionist Crimes against Americans.

  2. Tell them that if they keep exposing Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans that they will lose the next Election.

  3. Keep attacking them until they stop posting. Attack both directly and indirectly.

  4. Try Intimidation Targeting the trouble maker in less overt ways. Try to scare them.


Now go earn your Shekels!

Anonymous ID: dc4a4a Nov. 22, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3996705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6712


CNN**Next Week's Breaking News


Democrats Flip Every Seat In The House


CNN's Jim Acosta is first to report: "This is a historic moment for America. All 435 Seats in the House of Representatives have turned Democrat, now that all election recounts are in."


NY Senator Chuck Schumer, with tears rolling down his face, said: "It took effort, but we had 6 ways from Sunday to flip each and every Seat."


NY's newest Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: "It's like a movement. We're gonna, like, flip the entire Senate too", as she flashed her signature smile.

Anonymous ID: dc4a4a Nov. 22, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.3996793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6815 >>6859 >>7035 >>7199


==Timeline Of Talmud Noahide Law-US Congress-> Broward County==


*1991 Noahide Laws Signed into US Law by President George H.W. Bush Sr.

Talmud Noahide Laws were presented to President Bush Sr. in the Oval Office by Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis.


It is Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress. Joint Resolution was passed by Both Houses of Congress on March 26, 1991 - on the Birthday of the Leader of the Lubavitch-Chabad Movement, Grand Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson.



No Reason given as to why Americans should submit to Talmudic Noahide Law to celebrate a Rabbi's Birthday

-Since the 1960's, Rabbi Schneerson's Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters has been

located at 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY.

There are at least 11 Replicas of this Chabad Headquarters building all over the world: Sao Paolo Brazil, Milan Italy, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Rutgers Univ. New Jersey, Tacoma WA, Melbourne Australia, Buenos Aires Argentina.


  • Many of his adherents refused to believe that he died on June 12, 1994, believing instead that he did not really die but will reveal himself to be the Messiah.



-Side note - Many of New York's Ashkenazi Jewish Zionist Politicians grew up in this neighborhood back in the day. It might be said that post WWII, this is the birthplace of American Zionism and political activity.

The biggest growth has shifted to South Florida with "47% of those under age 35 enjoyed involvement with Chabad".



*2018 March 27 President Trump meets with Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbis in Oval Office.

This marks the 40th anniversary of designating the Birthday of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson as Education Day (and Noahide Law).



Noahide Laws made it Legal in the US to execute Christians and non-Jews by Guillotine.



Broward County

2000 Hanging Chads recount led to the election of President George W. Bush

2001 9/11 terrorists Mohammad Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi spotted at apartment and bar in Broward County 4 days before the Twin Towers attack on 9/11


2004 Debbie Wasserman Schultz elected to Congress

2016 Brenda Snipes enabling Debbie Wasserman Schultz re-election against Tim Canova, who challenged his loss in court. Brenda Snipes prevented inspection by illegally destroying Ballots.

2018 Parkland School shooting, David Hogg (son of FBI agent), makes dubious closet video, becomes MSM anti-gun mouthpiece

2018 Sheriff Scott Israel - during Parkland shooting inside school, cops stood outside

2018 Cesar Sayoc Fake Pipe Bombs, he owned a house there (foreclosed on 2009)


Broward County has 42 Chabad Centers


*Broward County is right above Dade County


Dade County

2018 March 15 Bridge Collapse - pedestrian bridge connected to Florida International University


Dade County has 51 Chabad Centers



Talmud Noahide Law is signed into US Law by Bush Sr.→ to celebrate the birthday of the Grand Rabbi of Chabad whose followers believe he will return as the Messiah→ increases US Money given to Israel→ Terrorists training in Broward County→ Presidential election Hanging Chads recount in favor of Bush Jr.→ Terrorists did 9/11→ Illegally destroying Ballots→ False Flags in Broward County→ 2018 crucial Midterms Election Fraud in Broward County.


*** 93 Chabad Centers in Broward & Dade County.


Just curious - Are there any US Laws to celebrate the Second Coming of Jesus Christ ?

Anonymous ID: dc4a4a Nov. 22, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.3996963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Is An AD HOMINEM Attack?


An argument or reaction directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining


*Notice that Israel First Traitors and Zionist Shills ONLY attack Patriotanons here with



*Notice they NEVER Refute the Evidence Of Zionist Organized Crimes Against Americans because (((they))) know that these FACTS ARE TRUE.