Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.3997557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


SHIT this IS the same person. Who the fuck is Axelrod Even the bunny teeth, eyebrow line…the ears seem more pinned tho…but even the way his hair lays…and he's gained weight.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.3997578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7609 >>7626 >>7633 >>7693


Roberts…two ILLEGALLY ADOPTED IRISH CHILDREN..that's how Obama blackmailed him, that's how Nikki Haley blackmailed him. It is against Irish law to adopt Irish children out of Ireland…with their money the children were taken to SA where the illegal adoption was completed. No doubt he loves his kids, but illegal adoption made him blackmailable..and my guess is someone who wanted later control over him.."helped" find the kids and helped arrange the adoptions…and now he's their bitch.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.3997604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There was a huge article in the daily fail about MI6 begging him not to DECLAS because it might identify "agents" the comments are surprisingly 'woke' as many many of them were saying stuff like…yeah, reveal how the UK meddled in US elections…between that and the article from Judicial Watch about how Clinton, as SOS refused to see MSB until he made a sizeable donation to the Clinton Foundation…the knot is slowly being unraveled.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.3997644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The gospel of Thomas is a collection of riddles which teach how to read the riddle of the OT.

KEK…actually…no it's not. It's distinctly zen Buddhist in nature and that's completely understandable because Issa, (one of the three figures the composite figure of Jesus was created from) was a Kashimir Jew who first studied with the Hindu, then the Buddhist before traveling to Palestine where he taught..he was arrested and crucified but survived, returned to Kashmir where he married, had children and where he is buried in a tomb in Rozbal…Kashmir is now a Moslime province. They will not let anyone study the tomb…because if the "traditional" story of "jesus" falls so does Islam.


There are contemporary court records of Issa and his TWIN brother thomas, a noted mason, of which many of his buildings survive today.


There's a reason the SOG was denied entry into the cannon…it's BUDDHIST in nature. Both hinduism and Buddhism are centuries older than xianity.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:37 p.m. No.3997707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7765 >>7824


The JDIF is pretty toothless here…but they've taken over T_D and I find it incredible odd that no one mentions that. You cannot say a word against Israel, question anything regarding Israel…on T_D..on T_D Israel is perfect in every way…


Here. JIDF tries and the religitards aid them…but I know ONE thing..Trump is not a stupid man. He was not stupid enough to go to Lolita Island, he has not been stupid enough to get caught in any Israel trap…and he does everything outward as if to appear on (((THEIR))) side…finally serving those kikes a taste of their own medicine. Watching him say GOTCHA is going to be the best day ever…second best day…cutting off ALL aid to Israel…the third? When the people who are living in the world's largest open air prison finally get their due.


Illegal to speak against israel? BOYCOTT THEM as an individual do not buy anything with a 729 barcode…stop giving these kikes any more money. They are behind the destruction of Europe (come home Jews you'll be safe here, OOPS so many unsafe Jews came home we need MOAR LAND…greater Israel anyone?) Their ISIS hoards causing mayhem in Syria so they can sneak in Syria's back door and steal back land?


The day Israel is destroyed again will be the day the world is made safer…and they ONLY have themselves to blame. Collective WOE IS ME…fuck that shit. What they have done to the world WILL come back to them, x3.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.3997761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7777 >>7778


FYI…oldfagAnon…the use of the word shill…well let me be clear (you must be new here) is the fastest way to get your posts ignored (as if you haven't noticed there are no other replies and people are quickly learning to ignore those posts along with Bidenfag etc…because most people don't appreciate (((YOU))) telling everyone which posts are valid or not…it's as if you found a sheriff badge in your childhood toybox and decided…YEP I'm the shill sheriff.


I ignore, have ignored…but felt that today, being thanksgiving, I'm grateful for such a clear demonstration of how not to police the interbutz.


KEK god has never ever won anything…ever….unless you mean all those times "he" has won by killing everyone.


(on the outchance that you're a religitroll…kek.)

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3997770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7796 >>7841


who gives a fuck? at this point, the enemy of MY enemy is my friend. BTW since when is the Mossad trying to STOP muzzy from making Europeans miserable?


(let that sink in…fucktard.)

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.3997838   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think the two are identical in many ways…but unless this photo has been lightened…the swarth factor…to white…and not hairy enough…but I do admit my initial reaction was holy fuck…

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.3997858   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>At the time of the adoption, Roberts indicated he wanted his bloodline- the Irish bloodline.

the adoption took place south of the border somewhere (forget which country) where the children were taken after being illegally removed from Ireland…I'm surprised he even mentioned their origin….illegal adoption is ILLEGAL.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 1 p.m. No.3997878   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Just look at the cocksuckers jumping to agree,

fuck off…there is a LOT of similarities…this is about the closest we've come so far and I'll admit when I first saw the comparison I thought we'd finally ID'd him…but looking at his high school pics..nope. SO STFU and do something useful like post more (((MUH SHILL))) pics or dig on who Q was referring to…come up with a few more likely suspects.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.3997909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7949


thanks for proving my point…European jews PUSH muz…they don't FIGHT muz…Israel pushes MUZ and multiculturalism..and one of the reasons is to make Europe so unsafe for jews that they "come home" IMHO Tommy…well he's FIGHTING the muz on his home turf, exposing them…and I seriously doubt he's got any intention of "going home".

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.3997956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7972 >>7981


Only a JIDF retard thinks the word JEW here means ALL JEWS…I think, anyone with even half a brain can read the information, do their own digs and sort that out for themselves. One of our most amazing Jews….is a Jew…but not one of (((THEM)))…but what you fail to realize is that like all religitards or tribal members, JEWS are autodomesticated from birth to the "WOE IS US" bullshit…it's as hard to break out of as "love god or die"…so that being said…go earn your shekels…Israel will cease to exist within 20-30 years (presupposing there's no war intervention to blast that kike interfering nightmare into outerspace) and here's WHY…Israel can ONLY survive as a secular state. WHY? Because most foreign jews are NOT orthodox…what is happening in Israel AT THE MOMENT is that the Hasidim are outbreeding the secular 15-1…they do not serve in the military, they do not fucking work…(at least not in our western definition of work)…all they do is study the torah, breed, and eat and shit.


SO Israel is killing itself. It will not survive in it's current monsterous state because the Hasidim are going to take over…shoooon.


With the inbreeding in the hasidic community as bad as it is in the Muz community…be assured, morons will be the majority…cannot fucking wait. There's NO way to stop it. The Khazar cannot attack the Hasidim without explaining why they are attacking the most jewish of the jews Gonna be fun to watch.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.3998017   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and once those almonds get tingling…


I used to accept WITHOUT question, what I was told about Hitler and the holohoax. But a trip to a book store many years ago…made me…think for myself. See I'd stumbled into a lecture by a Japanese scholar about WWII from a Japanese perspective. I decided to siddled into the lecture and listened/watched the whole thing….and later all I could think was that the truth of everything depends on our willingness to set aside what we're told to believe and dig for ourselves.

Anonymous ID: 08a3d5 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.3998051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8064


I know it must be difficult to earn your shekels and take control in an environment where you cannot TAKE control…all the safeguards are in place mods (your success in taking mod positions at half chan, TD and voat…kudos) and the baker positions are heavily supervised. Being completely dickless..I mean toothless here means you have to adopt other the religitard card, play the MUH JOO, play…play play…and all you do here…is fucking lose. Information is flying into brains and undoing hundreds of years of jewish brainwashing.


it's a beautiful thing and it must totally suck to be you right now.