It's very simpel.
9/11 kicked off the fake War ~~on~~ of Terror to bring US/European troops to ME to occupy and do the dirty work.
To establish 'Greater Israel' and 'Pax Judaica', the ME had to be destablized further and taken over by Israel/Deep State zionists with Al-Qaeda/ISIS and many other crypto-jewish terror groups to create the (fake) 'Caliphate'.
Israelis organizing flow of refugees into Europe and USA; clean out the ME.
Sow division and set Americans and Europeans up against refugees with the help of False flag attacks (and rape propaganda) to make them even more hated, and get more sympathy for jews and Israel. All blown up 24/7 by zionist led marxist MSM propaganda.
Zionist/Deep State support of Marxist Rajavi cult/MEK to overthrow Iranian regime.
POTUS/Q/MI know who did 9/11.
POTUS/Q/MI know about AIPAC and it's support of Iranian exiled (MEK) Special Interest Group in US.
FISA will expose that.
They stopped ISIS.
They stopped the inflow of 'refugees' into US with the Wall and ICE.
They have full support and working behind the scenes with Russia and other counties world wide. Russians experienced very well how Marxists destroy a country. They won't allow it to let them destroy the whole world.
Enough is enough.
So, if you still think Trump supports Israel you must very naive.
If you still push the idea Trump supports Israel you're a fucking Sayanim piece of shit.