I read grasping, ambitious courtesan Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman's biography, "The Life of the Party" about 20 years ago, but it's an excellent dissection of her life.
Bill Clinton made her the U.S. Ambassador to France for all her "contributions", and she died in the swimming pool at the Paris Ritz, where she lived at the time, very apropos.
Publishers Weekly: "The introduction of this book immediately sets the tone. The scene is a Georgetown dinner party, where the guest of honor is president-elect Bill Clinton, come to pay homage to a woman who, among others, has supported his presidential bid. Clinton toasts her as the "First Lady of the Democratic Party." Smiles all around because life is so good in the upper class–and so begins a biography that is essentially a parade of political names from World War II to the present. It can be interesting to know who was sleeping with whom and when, of course. And who asked our heroine for timely advice at yet another important moment in history. But what is probably just as engaging is trying to determine if the rich and powerful really are this shallow."
One reviewer: "…one of the Grandes Horizontales of the 20th century" (heh)
Interesting rumor in this review that she was raped as a young girl by then-Ambassador to the UK Joseph Kennedy while an overnight guest of his daughter Kathleen "Kick", who went on to marry William Cavendish, heir to the 10th Duke of Devonshire. (Another interesting story - William died in the war, and young widow Kick died in a plane crash along with her married lover the 8th Earl Fitzwilliam en route to the French Riviera)
The reviews are worth clicking thru this link to read: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Party-Biography-Churchill-Harriman/dp/0316633763/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1525872296&sr=8-1&keywords=life+of+the+party+pamela+harriman