Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.3998199   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8201

Who/what is FAKE Q?

Why is it/he here?

Are humans passive?

Sheep dogs say "ignore the shills"– what are "the shills"?

What are they "selling"?

What/who is FAKE Q?

What is mirroring?

What is inversion?

When fake Q says "think Keyser Soze", WHO is he/it referring to?

On the surface, FAKE Q is "shilling against real Q…"– "Who am I? 'think Keyser Soze'…"


Are humans passive?

Are humans waiting like sheep?

Are humans fighting?

Are humans questioning?

Why is this board the way it is?

Why is it allowed to be the way it is?

Do humans question?

Are humans passive?

Why aren't FAKE Q posts deleted?


Are patriots awake?

Are patriots asking questions?

Are patriots fighting?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.3998212   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Do patriots here make threads?

What happens?

Do patriots here question what happens when they make threads?

Or just give up?

Or stay passive like sheep?

Can patriots make QUALITY threads here?

Or can they not?

Are patriots questioning why, or accepting like sheep?

Are patriots volunteering to "bake" here– or passively accepting that SOMEONE ELSE is doing it?

Who is prevented from baking?

Do patriots question it, or graze passively like sheep?

Patriots graze….?

Patriots FIGHT…?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.3998228   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8258 >>8266



Are patriots fighting?

How to fight, [here]?

Are patriots asking questions?

Why are we [here]?

How much inorganic shilling is here?

Do patriots question this?

We are [HERE] for a reason.


Does Q prefer for the truth to be drowned in bullshit?

But then WHY are we here?

Are patriots trying to answer, or grazing passively and WAITING for something?

If something looks WRONG, then ask, question…?

Do patriots FIGHT?

If this board is continually drowned in fake shit, and we ARE here for a reason, then does a puzzle need to be solved?

Why isn't it?

What is a sheep dog?

Do sheep dogs keep the passive, timid humans in line?

When will the humans wake up and fight?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.3998258   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8292 >>8294


Is it TECHNICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for Q to have a board that isn't drowned in fake, inorganic bullshit?

But if it's not technically impossible, there must be another reason we are here…?

What could that reason be?

Can everything be spelled out?

What is FREE WILL?

Why is it important?

Do patriots graze like sheep?

What sort of will does sheep behavior express?

Will to be herded? Will to be ruled over?

What does an image that appear on this board say "have hat, and cattle"– what does this imply? What message does it send?

WHY are there subversive images that come from the top at this board?

Do patriots question, or accept passively?


What is FAKE Q?

Is FAKE Q taunting passive humans?

Humans question nothing, accept everything, and wait to be spoonfed?

Do patriots wait?

Who gets banned here?

Do patriots pay attention?

Who DOESN'T get banned here?

Does it matter?

Patriots question nothing, graze docilely?

Is this board important?

What are "the shills"?

Do sheep dogs bark: "ignore the shills"?

What are "the shills"? What are the sheep dogs? What are the bakers?

Are the people in control here?

How would you know?

What trick did Keyser Soze play?

Is FAKE Q taunting the passive humans?

Do patriots graze passively, like sheep?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.3998294   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8357


What trick did Keyser Soze play?

What game is FAKE Q playing?

What gets deleted, what gets banned here?

Do anons question?

Or are they passive, like sheep?

Who/what is FAKE Q?

Why is free will important?

Are anons paying attention to what FAKE Q says?

What does the term "the ape of God" mean?

What is mirroring?

What is the nature of PURE EVIL?

What is FAKE Q? Why is it/he here?

Are patriots paying attention?

What is "an enemy that is not flesh and blood"?

Are patriots paying attention?

Reality is stranger than fiction, it has been said.

What trick did Keyser Soze play?

Do patriots question WHAT gets banned, what gets deleted, who can make threads, who can not make threads?

What does sheep-like behavior express, the will to ___?

Do patriots fight?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:14 p.m. No.3998339   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8347 >>8348 >>8351


Are patriots paying attention?

Who/what if FAKE Q?

What is the significance of its posting?

Are patriots trying to understand?

Or are they passive, because the sheep dogs demand?

Is FAKE Q taunting humans?

Do patriots fight?

What is mirroring?

What game is FAKE Q playing?

Do patriots get CONFUSED, and think its Q… do patriots need to think on another level?

If patriots know that it's not real Q, then what is the point of FAKE Q?

Is this a game?

is FAKE Q here for a REASON?

Do patriots question?

Do patriots pay attention?

Is FAKE Q playing games with HUMAN FREE WILL?

What is fighting?

What is defying? What is accepting?

Are there forms of fighting that are "spiritual"?

What is an enemy "not of flesh and blood"?

Why is SYMBOLISM so important?

Why are memes important?

Why is INTENTION important?

Why are gestures important?

Why is FAKE Q here?

Why is FREE WILL important?

Do patriots FIGHT?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:18 p.m. No.3998361   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Why are you such a coward FAKE Q? Why don't you tell us why you're here? Why don't you REALLY tell us why you're here?

What does human free will mean to you FAKE Q?

What does human free will mean to you?

What significance does human free will have to you, FAKE Q?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.3998418   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Should patriots fight?

Should patriots question?

Or should patriots wait passively to be spoonfed?

WHY are we [here] if it is blasted with shills nonstop?

Do patriots question?

There IS a reason, would it seem?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.3998444   🗄️.is đź”—kun


What are sheep dogs?

What makes them bark?

Who shouts loudest here?

What is believable?

FAKE Q can easily be used for outside propaganda– posts not deleted – anons quiet, accepting, docile…?

But "responding to shills" incites "anons" to get ALL MAD?

What is believable?

Will anons wake up and think for themselves, or wait to be spoonfed, obeying the sheep dogs?

What is "falling for a shill"?

What is "ignoring a shill"?

Are these the only two options?

What is ignoring the FACT of the shills, and what that entails?

Why are we HERE?

Because Q wants the truth to be drowned in bullshit?

But then WHY?

Are patriots questioning?

Are patriots fighting?

Anonymous ID: 5ef167 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:57 p.m. No.3998615   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8649


Who makes these memes?

Are they organic?

How can you tell?

Do anons pay attention?

Do they need to pay attention?

Is it hard to tell the organic from the inorganic?

Are we here because Q wants the truth to be drowned in fake bullshit?

Then why are we here?

What memes are made by patriots?

How can you tell?

Do you question and pay close attention?

Can you be easily deceived if you don't question and pay close attention?

Are there ways of telling which anons are organic?

Do anons use those methods, or graze passively like sheep?

Do patriots fight?