Anonymous ID: a69823 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:30 p.m. No.3998090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8220

Read The 1 Bread That Zionist Shills Want To Censor


In Bread #5023 (early Sunday), a triggered Zionist Shill attacked the Bread Notables with:


"attention: baker is comp'd or retarded", and ranted against what the Baker put in the Notables.


What did the Baker put in that Bread?


15 Excellent Links to Evidence showing Zionist Cabal Organized Crimes against America.


23 hours later, in Bread #5035, a shill attacks that same Bread AGAIN, whining:


"I see the muhJoos shit from 5023 and 5024 was allowed to remain in the bread."


Notice the arrogance of challenging the Baker with "allowed to remain in the bread."


As in: How dare you allow Evidence of our Organized Crimes in the Notables!


This is The Only Bread that Zionist Shills Object To!


*Bread #5023 is sooo threatening to (((them))) that their shill did a follow-up attack against it. (a Wrap-Up Smear) They DO NOT want you to read this Bread Notables.


*Bread #5023 Notables Hit A Bullseye !! It may be worthy someday of it's own Display in the future Q Museum.


Especially after POTUS reveals "Who Did 9/11"


Let's all go back and read this Special Bread again, Bookmark, send the link to your frens, Print it out for Posterity:


What they try to Censor and Attack MOST is what we should show as many people as possible :) Remember who owns the MSM 24/7 Fake News and their reach.


ThanQ to our fabulous Bakers! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous ID: a69823 Nov. 22, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.3998117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8192 >>8220 >>8799

Stop The Zionist Cabal Mind Warp Tricks



This is the most powerful weapon they use against Americans if we so much as dare to speak about (((their))) Organized Criminal activity, especially if you show Evidence. If accused of this NPC groupthink "horrible" label, it could cost you your career, your friends. Such is its power which they smugly deploy like a Gatling gun against PC American Goyim cowering in fear, walking on eggshells. Afraid to use the words Jews and Crimes in the same sentence. ooooh "anti-Semitic".


Zionists Successfully Negating our First Amendment

Censorship of the Truth about Khazarian Zionist Organized Crimes from their private OWNERSHIP of our Federal Reserve Bank money system to their paid puppet Israel-first US Senators betraying the American people…. and now they're ramping up to make it Illegal to criticize Israel. That's Power, my Frens.


(((They))) have used this bullshit term "anti-Semitic" to make most Americans cower in fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic", for (((they))) will get you fired from your job because (((they))) own your company or most of the Corporate stock.


(((they))) have American politicians, Hollywood whores, (((their))) wholly owned 24/7 MSM megalith all screaming Loudly - brainwashing America that any TRUTH you reveal about (((their))) egregious Crimes against Humanity will get you in big trouble = "anti-Semitic".


Slick Manipulation

Every few years, Hollywood trots out a movie about the Holocaust, which Always gets an Oscar Award because Holocaust. Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, Life Is Beautiful, The Pianist, Inglorious Basterds, etc. etc. This is calculated to sanctify their Victimhood, which means that even if you were never a guard at Auschwitz, nor even German, if you dare to call out any crime committed by any member of the Zionist Cabal - you're the same as Hitler. yeah same, you "anti-Semite"!


*Patriots, Anons, Frens - we need to NPC the shit out of their best weapon against us: the term "anti-Semitic". Let's brainstorm and cut the power out of their manufactured "taboo" of speaking Truth to Power about their parasitic damage to We the People.


***We need to make the term "anti-Semitic" the laughing stock NPC phrase of the World !!! Remember [their] Panic and massive censoring of the NPC hilarity. Neutering their bullshit works! This term is our new "deplorables".


Let's Mirror (((their))) most successful bullying weapon against Christians and Patriots, "anti-Semitic" into (((their))) personal NPC nightmare! Let's pull the guts out of this weasel term and turn it into a limp noodle! Especially now that their Zionist Shills are using "anti-Semitic" to smear the Qanon Movement. Look how they are Spamming this board with the False Gaslight that showing Evidence of Zionist Cabal Crimes against Americans somehow "divides" us is obviously made by an [Israeli Shill]… when the Truth UNITES Us! These JIDF Israeli Shills forget that we Americans are NOT Israeli. We are America First, not Israeli First so there is no "division" in educating Americans about who our Enemies are.


"anti-Semitic" label suppresses Truth - Let's KILL this bullshit term


"anti-Semitic" = NPC Zionist Shill

NPC Zionist Shill = "anti-Semitic"*


A white person can be fired for calling a black person "nigger". Imagine the day when a Jew can be fired for calling you "anti-Semitic".


Imagine if Americans did not cower and self-censor for fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic" and turned it back on (((them))) so that they wouldn't dare to call Truth tellers "anti-Semitic" ever again. nor discredit the Q Movement as they are now desperately attempting to prevent the asleep masses from finding out the Truth about Zionist Crimes against America.

Anonymous ID: a69823 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.3998289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8314


Hillary's Mentor Senator Robert Byrd -KKK Grand Dragon of Alabama- was according to MK Ultra Survivor Cathy O'Brien, an extreme Sadist and Pedophile.

In her book, she stated a torture session at the hands of her "owner" Senator Byrd, he whipped her till she was in a pool of blood. His weapon of choice is the Whip and always kept one in his desk.

Then Satanic Col. Michael Acquino walked into the room, bringing Cathy O'Brien's young daughter 3 year old Kelly back from a "programming session" at a military facility.

Cathy O Brien stated that lying in her own blood, she watched as Senator Byrd sodomized her daughter Kelly. As Col. Acquino took his clothes off to also rape Kelly.


**Read Cathy O'Brien's Book - Trance Formation of America FREE Here:

Anonymous ID: a69823 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.3998405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8425 >>8436


Lamest Zionist Shill Word is "Division"


Their previous "Russian Bot" failed miserably.


Now they're pretending that any TRUTH about the Khazarian Zionist Crimes against Americans must be censored because it "divides" us.


US Population: 328,953,020 (329 Million people)


US Jewish Population: less than 2%


Israel Population: 8,855,000 (almost 9 Million people)


98% of Americans Don't Give A Shit About Israel because Americans Are NOT Israelis


This is what the JIDF Israeli Shills in Israel don't get, as they desperately keep insisting any truth that they cannot censor about Zionist Cabal fuckery is "dividing" anons here.


NOBODY in America is "Divided" by seeing the Evidence about the Khazarian Zionist Crimes against Americans.


The Truth is Out!



Anonymous ID: a69823 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.3998474   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So you don't care about Zionist Organized Crimes against Americans -

*American Soldiers killed and maimed fighting Zionist Banker Wars to benefit Israel.

*The loss of our First Amendment

*The attempted loss of our Second Amendment


Q is About Taking Down The Cabal


Do you even know the origin of the term "cabal"?


This is not about "thinking about the Jews" - it's about thinking about the Jews who committed CRIMES AGAINST AMERICANS.


Notice - you have nothing to say about their CRIMES.

You must be Israel First.

Anonymous ID: a69823 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.3998498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Worst Thing You Can Call An Israeli


There is one thing we Israelis dread above all:

Being a ‘fraier’ – a ‘sucker.’


That’s why we have to stand firm, drive a hard bargain, suspect anyone who offers super cheap prices, and never take things for granted.




Anyone who is a fraier is the “mark” or the victim or the “sucker” or fool that fell for the smecher‘s tricks. The smecher uses his/her cunning and craftiness to profit at the expense of the fraier.