Anonymous ID: be20f7 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.3998281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8291 >>8308 >>8475 >>8644


I'm not gonna argue with facts…jew or not..she's doing good work…it's POSSIBLE she's /ourjew/ like Miller is…America's Jew. (pic related)




theater (pic related) He was right as rain at Halloween..that whole pile of bullshit wasn't for US it was for whomever was likely caused a few skid marks to be deposited in their collective depends.




KEK it must hurt to FAIL so hard when you're used to swooping in and taking control…of everything. Calling me a raciss or hateful…changes nothing about what's TRUE..and what's TRUE is that you FAIL.

(pic related)


>Well…if Trump wants him gone then why doesn't he have someone drop a dime on him?


I'd say the dime is pretty well dropped and has begun to roll…yah?



Then he's a VERY poor Zionist because rather than support the muz, he's trying to deport them. Zionists would NEVER campaign against the muz. So…there's that.



Here's what I find amusing…Tommy Robinson has been BACK against the muz in UK…and fighting effectively, speaking out…has many many people listening to him…MUZ OUT…now, this goes 100% against the Zionist agenda because (((THEY))) want more muz, the more uncomfortable Jews are outside of Europe they less likely they will (((COME HOME)))….ZIONISTS NEED and want JEWS to (((COME HOME)))…they also need people NOT to listen to what do the JIDF trolls do to flip the narrative? TOMMY IS A ZIONIST…well pal, if he's a zionist he's NOT following the protocols….he's killing them…wait, wut?


Fucktards…you really are as low IQ as it seems…the wrist to forehead hand wringing RACISSS and SHILL and ANTI SEMITE narratives aren't working…now what?


NOW WHAT? PANIC IN THE BASEMENT…FUCK Israel…and that law is going to lose the first time someone challenges it. It is unconstitutional. Fucktards.

Anonymous ID: be20f7 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.3998359   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>NOT something Master Jesus would ever say.

KEK…how funny…so, let's think about this, I'll go slow…what happens if you do NOT let Jesus into your heart?


I will repeat, what happens (what does your religion says will happen) if you do NOT open the door of your heart to Jesus?


What happens? What does the BIBLE SAY will happen to you?


SRSLY the moran is strong in this one.

Anonymous ID: be20f7 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.3998386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8404


>Jews were heavily involved in the KKK, which hated Black people

Jews hate black people too…in fact I'm pretty sure they hate anyone who isn't (((THEM)))…go watch the countless videos of Jews attacking black jews in Israel…holy shit they are VILE…those are the kinds of videos that need to be posted as a response to the "dear white people" oops I'm not white I'm a jew…twatter comments.

Anonymous ID: be20f7 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.3998400   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not now…because the last ANON that tried this flipped the pic to make the hair match better. At first I thought so but the swarth factro and his high school pic…sadly we have still not ID'd Obama's boyfriend.

Anonymous ID: be20f7 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:40 p.m. No.3998487   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK….SRSLY KEK..the level of retard on that meme is a level we normally don't reach until…


PLS research Nag Hammadi…you do realize that Gnosticism is older than xiantiy…and based partially on Buddhism..and…just fucking never mind. Religtards gonna religitard. whatever the fuck you do NEVER look into the Sumerian texts where you might find out that a good portion of the OT is plagiarized and adapted from Sumerian mythology. Enki had stone tablets too and OMG there was this YUGE flood…and only ONE man survived…and these texts predate the OT by THOUSANDS of years. NOPE….do. not. look.

Anonymous ID: be20f7 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.3998522   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's halloween gathering THIS year…there were q few of them posted here. I kek' hard at the muh helicopter killed JR…nope..he's alive and well. I didn't DL all of them. Sorry. I think somewhere in Germany…like an oKtoberfest celebration.

Anonymous ID: be20f7 Nov. 22, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.3998548   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're kidding right? Yes, the bible actually does say that…

I AM the way the truth and the light—

No man cometh unto the father EXCEPT BY ME.


Heaven=eternal life

NOT letting Jesus in=HELL aka suffering, burning for eternity.


now, please, explain to me how that's NOT directly in the bible. GOD orders his people to KILL EVERYONE for not loving him enough. He destroys the entire world only saving ONE family…because the world does not love him aka is evil. He fire bombs two cities for NOT LOVING HIM…SRSLY maybe you should read what you believe.




btw god's estimated body count in the OT alone is about 28 million people….all killed for not loving him..YEP god won. YAY GOD.