Anonymous ID: cd91f8 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.3998829   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have put my family into a turkey coma and it feels like it's time to come on here and wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you all for walking with me on my journey to wake up. Thank you for the digs that helped educate me, thank you for the memes that stimulated my visual senses, thank you for the off color humor that kept things unpredictable, believe it or not; thanks for the bickering with shills that kept my feet grounded and balanced. My family has decided to make our Christmas gifts to each other with a cap of $15 for supply needs. Is there an anon that could provide a simple to learn photoshop site with mirroring capabilities so that I could take all of our initials in a pretty font and create a family insignia that I plan to use this gold leave on a thin piece of wood glued to a photo album. I am going to write a Christmas story based on the years of my memories to read every year to them . They are reaching the age where they will begin to start leaving the house and making their own lives and bringing me home grandchildren one day. I would like to memorialize our Christmas memories by creating a family heirloom