Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.3998860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8905 >>9289 >>9327 >>9335 >>9368 >>9511

Hillary Clinton Calls For Limits On European Migration, But Not For The Reason You Think


Hillary Clinton said Europe should curtail immigration, but only because it inflames right-wing populists.


Speaking to The Guardian, Clinton called on European leaders, including German chancellor Angela Merkel, to signal that “Europe is not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support” to migrants.


“I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame,” Clinton told The Guardian.


“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message — ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ — because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”


More than 1 million migrants and refugees have entered the EU since 2015, according to The Guardian. The surge of migrants has caused a political crisis across Europe.


Clinton also took aim at President Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist who helped craft many of Trump’s views on immigration.


“Rome is the right place for [Bannon] since it is bread and circuses and it’s as old as recorded history. Keep people diverted, keep them riled up appeal to their prejudices, give them a sense they are part of something bigger than themselves — while elected leaders and business leaders steal them blind. It’s a classic story and Bannon is the latest avatar of it.”


Hypocrisy overload? Hillary Clinton tells Europe to stem refugee flow to avoid 'populist politics'


Hillary Clinton: Europe 'needs to get a handle on migration' in order to halt rise of rightwing populists

Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.3998870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

French priest, bishop convicted over paedophilia scandal



A French priest from the town of Orleans was handed a two-year jail term today and a bishop was convicted for failing to report him in rare prosecutions that have shaken the French Catholic church.


Pierre de Castelet, 69, was sentenced to two years in prison, with another year suspended, after abusing children during a summer camp in 1993 where he touched them while pretending to carry out medical examinations.


His superior, the former bishop of Orleans Andre Fort, 83, was given a suspended prison sentence of eight months for failing to notify French police when he was made aware of the abuse allegations in 2008.


Both men are expected to avoid serving time behind bars, however, under French law that allows a convict to apply for a non-custodial punishment in cases involving short jail sentences.


Prosecutions of bishops are extremely rare in France, with the last case dating back to 2001 when a bishop in the town of Bayeux-Lisieux was given a three-month suspended jail term for failing to report abuse.


After the judgements in the court in Orleans in central France, one of de Castelet's victims, Olivier Savignac, said he was satisfied with the outcome.


"We were heard. I am happy with my country," he told reporters.


Mr Savignac and other victims of sexual abuse in the French church were invited to a meeting of French bishops in the religious town of Lourdes in November to testify about their experiences.


The move was seen as a symbolic acknowledgement of the church's responsibility amid a mounting number of recent scandals, which have hit the Catholic faith in other countries including the United States and Australia.


The Bishops' Conference of France (CEF) said in early November they were setting up an "independent" commission to "shed light on the sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic church since 1950".


The most senior French Catholic cleric to be caught up in the abuse scandal is Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, who is to go on trial in January for allegedly covering up for a priest accused of abusing boy scouts in the Lyon area in the 1980s.

Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:31 p.m. No.3998890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9278

Refugee acquitted of rape ‘as he has different cultural norms’ – His female victim attempted suicide


A refugee from Bangladesh was tried by a French court and was acquitted of the rape of a high school girl. The verdict was handed down yesterday.


The young man also sexually assaulted another young girl. He was charged with both cases but acquitted of the rape.


According to the defense the refugee has ‘different cultural norms’ or ‘cultural codes’ and could have misinterpreted the contact with the girl.


Experts who investigated the man, described him as narcissistic and self-centred and that in the male culture of Bangladesh, his country of origin, “women are relegated to the status of sexual object”.


Both incidents happened near the end of 2015. The accused, aged 18 at the time of rape, went for a walk with a 16-year-old girl who attended the same high school.


He suggested they go his house in Saint-Lô. There, he kissed her, touched her and groped her genitals.


The girl managed to leave the room. She then reported the incident to the Principal of her school who informed police.


In custody, the refugee says that the girl was consenting and the police closed the case. After which the young girl attempts suicide in late 2015 was hospitalised for a week.


Four months later the refugee was arrested again and the final verdict was handed down yesterday.


The refugee is acquitted of the rape but sentenced to two years in prison as a suspended sentence for the sexual assault of the first victim.


He will be registered in the sex offender file, according to the court’s decision.

Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:32 p.m. No.3998900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8931

Hungarian Government spokesman slams EU’s attack on Italy


Government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs, in an interview to Thursday’s edition of conservative Italian daily Libero, said the European Union “passed political judgement” when it rejected the Italian government’s draft budget.


The Hungarian government rarely comments on EU decisions regarding other member states, but “it seems obvious” that the EU “expressed a political opinion” about Italy’s draft budget when it should have undertaken a strictly technical and procedural assessment, Kovacs told the paper.


Libero conducted the interview with the government spokesman during his visit to Rome just as the European Commission announced that it was launching an excessive deficit procedure against Italy over the government’s draft budget.


Kovacs said the EU’s rules should apply equally to every member state. He said that whenever Italy and Hungary break the rules, they get sanctioned, but when France or Germany do it, they get off scot-free.


The government spokesman said the bloc’s rules should be changed so that they can be complied with. He said Italy would be capable of drafting a budget without exceeding the EU’s deficit reference value.


Had Hungary joined the euro zone, it would not have been capable of accomplishing the economic feats that it has, he said. Hungary will adopt the common currency “when we are ready, when there are new rules and we get guarantees”,Kovacs added.


Kovacs said Brussels was also mulling a sanctions procedure against Hungary over its migration policy. “But this is another form of intervention that does not fall within the scope of the EU’s authority,” he said.


Kovacs said Hungary was right to implement the measures it has and expressed hope that the EU will decide against imposing sanctions on the country.



Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.3998911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8920 >>8953 >>8991 >>9182

Merkel Urges EU to Give up Sovereignty to Brussels 'in Orderly Manner' - Reports


Earlier, Chancellor Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to continue supporting Franco-German efforts to strengthen a "sovereign Europe" amid concerns that the European Union was at a "crossroads" regarding its future role in the world.


Angela Merkel has urged European Union members to give up more of their sovereignty to EU institutions, Die Welt has reported.


"Today, nation states should, I would say must – be prepared to give up their sovereignty," Merkel said, speaking an event organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin on Wednesday devoted to the topic of 'Parliamentarism Between Globalism and National Sovereignty'.


"But of course in an orderly manner," the chancellor added. National parliaments must play the key role in making such concessions for the greater good, she said.


Earlier this month, Merkel warned against what she described as the spread of "blinkered nationalism," accusing some politicians, both in Germany and abroad, of "believing that they can solve everything on their own and have to think only of themselves. This is nationalism in its purest form. This is not patriotism," she said.


Merkel, who recently decided to step down as head of the Christian Democratic Union, also defended her policy on immigration, which opponents have described as an open door migration policy, in her earlier comments. "It is in our national interest to ensure that the global conditions for refugees on the one hand, and migrants seeking work on the other, are improved," she stressed.


Merkel's sovereignty comments follow remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday. In a speech following a meeting with the chancellor, Macron spoke of a "Franco-German responsibility in preparing for the future and the re-founding of Europe." This responsibility "means building something, building a truly sovereign Europe and building a strong European Union on this sovereignty," Macron said. Earlier this month, the French president also proposed the creation of a 'European Army', which he said would defend against Russia, China and even the United States.

Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.3998962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9442

Panic move??? EU shitting itself


French Ex-President Sarkozy Notes He Has Always Been Putin's Friend


Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who arrived with a sudden visit in Moscow, said on Thursday that he had always considered himself as a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, since the Russian president was capable of engaging in dialogue even in the face of disagreements.


"You, the Russians, are living here and cannot even imagine how great is your prestige and how your image has changed on the global stage. Russia has again become a powerful nation, Russia knows its place on the international arena and knows its fate. Finally, I would like to say that I have always been Vladimir Putin's friend, because he is a person with whom you can talk even despite disagreements," Sarkozy said at a Pre-New Year reception of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).


He also expressed hope, addressing RDIF CEO Kirill Dmitriev, that he would be invited to the RDIF event next year.


"Kirill Dmitriev, you are receiving me here for the first time. Next year, I hope, you will invite me as well," Sarkozy stated.


Sarkozy held the French presidential office in 2007-2012. After the termination of his presidential term he continued his political activities and even run in the 2017 presidential election in the country, but was defeated in primaries.

Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 3:43 p.m. No.3998988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8992 >>9139 >>9327 >>9511

World Follows Trump’s Lead: Nations Abandon Legal ‘Framework’ Building UN Migration Pact


More nations are joining the exodus from the United Nations’ (UN) controversial compact on mass migration, with legal experts now standing up to raise concerns about the drafting of the document and what legal implications signing it might have for countries party to the pact.


President Donald Trump was the first to pull out of the UN pact on migration in December 2017, a move which prompted howls of disapproval from both the mainstream media and globalist leaders.


Yet several nations from all over the world have outright withdrawn from the compact since initially ratifying it in July, or have signalled their intent to do so, as states gain confidence in opposing fashionable but dangerous deals that are not in their own interests


In comments that cut across the grain of the usual business and practice of the United Nations, President Trump said at the body’s New York headquarters in September: “Migration should not be governed by an international body unaccountable to our own citizens.


“Ultimately, the only long-term solution to the migration crisis is to help people build more hopeful futures in their home countries. Make their countries great again.”


Australia, Israel, and Poland are among the latest to pull out, all citing national interest reasons.


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morris remarked Wednesday that the agreement is “inconsistent” with his nation’s best interest, and that the document “fails to adequately distinguish between people who enter Australia illegally and those who come to Australia the right way”, noting the frequent observation that the paper does not differentiate between legal and illegal migration.



Anonymous ID: 9e94b2 Nov. 22, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.3999402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9428 >>9438 >>9511

THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP! North and South Korea Meet Up on Historic Arrowhead Hill Battleground and Shake Hands




Military construction crews from North and South Korea, building the first central inter-Korean road in 65 years, met today at Arrowhead Hill in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and shook hands.


Arrowhead Hill was the place of one of the bloodiest battle sites of the war is now the first.


In October South and North Korea troops began the task of removing land mines from the Joint Security Area (JSA) in Panmunjom as well as the Arrowhead Hill (Hwasalmeori) region in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province, where joint exhumation of the remains of Korean War MIA/POW are set to take place. (


On Thursday troops from the North and South met and shook hands on Arrowhead Hill.